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13 People Who Learned Firsthand How Mistakes It Is to Judge Others by Appearance

Everyone knows that propagating stereotypes is not right. However, some clichés are still fixed in the minds of many people. This is especially evident when we label one another just for the sake of appearance.

We, from awesome.club, we look for situations that prove that the expression “don’t judge by appearances” is still relevant today. Follow!

I was working as a waitress in a restaurant, and a rather unkempt-looking man came in. My colleague soon warned that she would not attend to him. It’s okay, I don’t care. He wanted something cheaper, I helped him choose and I felt so sorry for him that I offered him a free loaf of bread and tea. And what was my surprise when he took a huge amount of money out of his pocket when paying and even left me a huge tip. My colleague was shocked and started serving all the tables after that day. © Daria KimWe were doing renovations at my sister’s house. In the middle of the day, we decided to go to the grocery store next door, with our old clothes on our backs: ink stains and everything. It was summer, so we asked the saleswoman if there was ice cream. The woman lifted her nose to reply, “The cheapest one is gone.” We made expensive purchases and, as we left, we said: “You can keep the change”, and left. Ah, the surprise on her face… © Laura Amanova / Facebook
I worked in a market. Once, a well-dressed customer approached the cashier and said that she suspected a woman was stealing. She pointed her finger at the “thief” — a young woman who was modestly dressed. I asked why she was so suspicious, but the client got nervous and didn’t give me any answers. She hinted that the reason was because the woman was wearing “simple” clothes, but she didn’t want to admit it. So I said over the loudspeaker, “Head of Security, please come to the cashier.” And then this same “thief” arrived. Ah, if only you could see the customer’s face! It’s just that our head of security often walks around the market as if she were a consumer. © Christopher Valdez / Quora A few years ago I was in physical therapy. One day, I was in the waiting room when a guy came into the office. He must have been in his 60s, torn shirt, stains on his shorts. His hair was also very badly cut. And barefoot! But he was fit and very smiley. Afterwards, I heard the doctors talking to each other: “And how is his new mansion?” — “Ah, I don’t think he even went there yet, he said he didn’t have time”. That’s when I realized I had no idea how millionaires dress. © Jo Eberhardt / Quora
I work as a curtain designer. I often show up in my work clothes: dirty, dusty. I usually like to wear jeans, a coat and boots. No make up. When I have an appointment to show color shades and fabric swatches, I show up with my hair, makeup, and dress done, and the customers don’t even recognize me. One of them once said, “I know you from somewhere, but I don’t remember where.” It’s pretty funny. © Elena Sulavko / FacebookI was an appliance sales assistant, and my tips used to be negligible. The most experienced salespeople soon grabbed the best customers for themselves. There was a school next to the store, and children often dropped in to look at the stereos. Once I was bored and decided to approach a boy near the TV stands. Well, this 13-year-old was actually saving up for two years to buy his own TV. He paid for everything in cash! After that day, I never left a customer unattended again. © Paul Mannering / QuoraWe went to the nearest big city to buy my friend’s wedding dress. We hadn’t found anything in our region. I get the impression that people here think women over 40 should get married wearing a lab coat. Well, considering the long drive, we were dressed for a lot of walking. The only place where we were met with a “scowl” was in a tiny store at the end of the mall. The saleswoman even said the following sentence: “On this side are the most expensive dresses, it’s not for you.” Finally, we found a beautiful dress in one of the best boutiques, and there we were treated with great respect. © Gamuri / AdMe
I know the owner of a factory who buys his clothes in budget stores, not to mention that he buys new pieces every two years. I also know a guy, who only wears branded clothes, but his girlfriend supports him. The apex of the absurdity was when the girl went on a business trip, and he called her: “Love, how am I going to find you without a bouquet in my hands, send me money, then”. It is worth saying that they broke up after that. © lenaandros / PikabuMy friend needed to buy some dress clothes and we went to a store together. Inside, we met a very nice woman who said she was studying to become a designer. She showed us some models, saying, “Wow, this one will look great on you.” However, a short time later, the manager appeared with two security guards and began to treat the girl who helped us rudely: “You’ve been here for over 40 minutes and you haven’t bought anything, I can’t let you disturb our customers, go away” . The woman looked very surprised, but she walked out in tears and started dialing a number on her cell phone. Soon after, the owner of the establishment appeared, who called the rude manager and told her: “This is our new general manager of the marketing department, and your attitude in treating her this way is not what we want for our business. business, you no longer work here”. © Leslie Benisz / Quora
A man once walked into our store wearing jeans and beat-up cowboy boots. Nobody wanted to approach him, so I went there to help him. I found out later that he was a vice president in the finance branch. Our store had a great sale that day, and I got a nice percentage. © Berkeley Hunt / Quora I don’t often tell people that I’m a doctor. I once took a bus tour and said I was a plumber. For eight days, I felt “free” in my group. I was really glad no one approached me with health questions. Then a lady had a heart attack, and there were no doctors there other than me. I am an anesthesiologist and resuscitator. It was necessary to get into action, and everything went well. My fellow travelers were quite shocked. And I just wanted to laugh. © Nick / AdMeMy boss dressed very strangely. In meetings with clients, he followed all the rules of etiquette and dress: expensive watch, impeccable suit and all. However, on ordinary days, he might wear an old-fashioned, stay-at-home shirt, jeans, and sneakers that left him looking like a ragged king of years gone by. Once, they wouldn’t let him test drive at one dealership and we had to go to another one with higher prices. There, the employees didn’t care about his appearance. © VanDs / Pikabu
My friend worked at a company that made assembled kitchens, design and things like that. It is one of the most expensive companies in the city. One fine day, a little old man came in wearing an old coat, a hideous cowboy hat, and looked quite “relaxed.” Eventually he bought an entire kitchen for his home. In fact, it was a country mansion! For that amount, it would be possible to buy a one-bedroom apartment. And he still paid half the amount in the store, even, in cash. My friend got a nice percentage that day. © Itsnotmee / Pikabu

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