Every day is cat day on the internet. But a mysterious astral conjunction made October 29 the day chosen to celebrate both International Internet Day and Cat Day in the United States.
Truth be told: before the internet, many people looked down on felines and humans who adored these meowing beings! But then came the internet with thousands of cute videos starring kittens, gifs and even scientific research proving how they make us happier.
So, we chose 11 famous cats on the internet to make your day happier:
1. Chico – I’m tired of being a cat
He is the most beloved celebrity cat in the country for the following reasons:
– he is cute;
– he wears costumes (you can even get inspiration for Halloween);
– and he forms a family together with Madalena and the puppies:
2. Grumpy cat
He is an internet myth and defines several situations of daily irritation!
3. Hamilton the hipster cat
Hamilton is this cute thing that has a stylish mustache in addition to his normal little mustaches.
4. Princess Monster Truck
This cat is practically the feline version of an English bulldog (or is it a vampire?). Look at those teeth!
5. Spangles the cross-eyed
One eye on the fish, one on the camera!
6. Shiro Neko
After the sloth, this cat is the second definition of being “cool”.
7. Snoopy Babe
Cat-cute version of puppy Snoopy? Check!
8. Sam the Big Eyebrow
The eyebrows that give the kitten Sam a sad look ensured his success on the internet!
9. Maggie Liu
Another kitty forever #upset
10. Venus
Despite the bicolor face (and eyes), Venus is a tricolor babe that draws a lot of attention on her instagram.
11. Lil Bub
The cutest feline tongue you’ll see today!