“Men are from Mars and women are from Venus”. Who never heard that expression throw the first stone. We do not know if the planets are involved in this difference between the sexes, but it is true that it often seems that men and women do not come from the same place, which even helps when selecting and distinguishing certain skills.
O incredible.club brought you some of the differences between the male and female universes.
Men and women dress in different sequences
This fact is not often mentioned. But we can see that men are used to dressing from the bottom up: first the socks, then the pants and then the shirt or T-shirt. Women, for the most part, first put on a blouse or shirt and then pants.
Women, unlike men, are less likely to take risks
Women, as we already know, are the keeper of the house, who always take care of their loved ones. That’s why they worry more and are more cautious. Men, on the other hand, love risk, they don’t think twice before taking action, they strictly follow the phrase “we only live once”. Therefore, it is normal for some to take more risks, generally betting on more dangerous things.
Throughout their lives, women ingest about 2 kg of lipstick
It’s no secret that, in addition to branding everything they touch, women’s lipsticks are literally consumed along with food and drink. Scientists have discovered that, throughout their lives, women ingest approximately 2 kg of this type of cosmetic.
Women like to cook for their partner
Women have one feature: when a man appears in their life, they begin to feed him. This behavior can be justified by the fact that in this way she wants to show that she is capable of taking care of him. But there is also the opinion that many do this so that other women will no longer look at “their man”, since she will not stop loving him if she gets a little chubby, but other women may feel less attracted to him he.
Sometimes women ask very strange questions
Yes, of course, women are very curious and want to know as much as possible. But if a woman starts to be interested in your best friend’s date of birth or asks you your username in a computer game, maybe you should start to worry. She probably suspects something and is looking for some way to find out if you’re hiding something.
Women go to great lengths to walk down stairs in high heels.
Many men notice the strange way women walk down the stairs when they are wearing high heels. Many do this sideways and very carefully. The explanation is quite simple: going down the stairs in heels is uncomfortable. Therefore, never rush a woman in such a situation, as you never know what can happen.
The female handshake is very different from the male one.
When two men shake hands, they do so with force and there is a movement, such as a “swing”. But when a woman shakes a man’s hand, she simply takes her hand and leaves it still. It’s hard to say why this is, but maybe handshakes aren’t “girl stuff.”
women and alcohol
Women get drunk much faster than men. Many know this, but almost no one knows the real reason why this happens. When alcohol enters the body, it is fought by a special enzyme produced by the stomach to eliminate it before it reaches the blood. In the female body, this enzyme is produced in smaller quantities. Therefore, a greater amount of alcohol goes into the blood in a shorter period of time. Therefore, men are more resistant.
The world of women has more colors than that of men
It is scientifically proven that, due to a genetic issue, women distinguish more colors than men. As a result, they often lose their temper when a woman unsuccessfully tries to show them the difference between violet and lilac.
Women have a better sense of smell
The reason women love flowers so much is that they have a much more developed sense of smell than men. In this case, it is also a question of genes, which makes women more sensitive to scents.
Unlike men, a woman’s body changes more often
The female body is unique. Unlike the male, it is subject to various changes throughout development. Furthermore, women begin the puberty process several years earlier than men. During her growth, when a girl becomes a woman, her hips begin to get wider, to later perform the most important function: allowing the passage of a baby.