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11 simple steps to achieve inner peace

Inner peace, as its name indicates, does not depend on external circumstances, on what happens to us, but on perspective.

Written and verified by the psychologist Elena Sanz.

Achieving inner peace seems utopian these days. Among so many work, family and personal responsibilities, how do you stay calm? We lack hours in the day to fulfill all our obligations, to achieve the status and success that are socially required of us.

But what would happen if, for a moment, we rearranged our priorities? If we began to give value to what truly has it: health, tranquility, the company of our loved ones and the happiness of small moments. And as its name indicates, inner peace is not something that comes from outside, from our circumstances, but from the attitude that we personally choose to adopt.

The glasses we decide to wear to walk through life define the way we see it. Therefore, if you are one of the many people who suffers from stress and anxiety and want to change this reality, start by changing yourself.

7 steps to achieve inner peace

If you want to achieve inner peace, we advise you:

1. Get busy or worry

One of the most important changes you must make is to banish worry from your life. Worrying, although sometimes inevitable, is really useless. It is useless to think over an issue over and over again, executing the same mental path that leads us to a dead end and increases our anxiety.

Change the focus, instead of worrying, get busy. When you are presented with an adverse situation, analyze it carefully just once, and decide if it has a solution, if you can do something about it or not.. If you have it, go ahead, it acts. That is your job, to act to modify what you dislike.

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And if you don’t have it, act too. But this time act to control your mind. Don’t allow yourself to enter an infinite loop of worry and rumination regarding the issue. Focus on accepting the reality that has arrived, flow with it, extract learning and move forward.

2. Breathing

There is a direct correlation between our physical state and our mental state. Therefore, when anxiety overwhelms you, sit down and breathe. Take slow, deep, diaphragmatic breaths and you will immediately begin to feel relaxation in your body.. You will then see how mental tension decreases evenly.

But it is not enough to use this resource as an emergency measure. If you really want to achieve inner peace, make breathing a habit. Dedicate at least two 10-minute periods each day to breathing properly. And, before long, you’ll notice your overall anxiety levels reducing significantly.

3. Positive thinking to achieve inner peace

As we have mentioned before, it is essential to carefully select which glasses you want to look at the world with. If you look through the glasses of complaint, victimhood and helplessness, you will only feel frustration and helplessness. We have accustomed our mind to search, find and detect everything negative that surrounds us: problems, difficulties, limitations… How to be happy, how to be at peace if you feel surrounded by adversity?

However, In the same way you can train your brain to identify every opportunity, resource and positive aspect of life. Start by doing it deliberately, make an effort to recognize and be grateful every day for all the good things you have. And, over time, this function will be automated and you will suddenly feel that you are lucky.

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4. Exercise and movement

It may be counterintuitive to think that to achieve a state of calm and relaxation you have to get moving. But it really is like that. Exercising regularly not only has benefits for physical health, it also improves our mental health. It helps us clear our minds, disconnect from worries and gain confidence and self-esteem.

5. Quality sleep

Finally, make sure that your rest is sufficient in quantity and quality. One of the most common manifestations of anxiety is insomnia, but lack of sleep only makes the situation worse and worse. Therefore, make a firm resolution to put worries aside at bedtime.

Dedicate the last hour before going to bed to do some relaxing and pleasant activity that takes your mind off the issues that worry you.. Today you can’t do anything, tomorrow you will deal with them, now prioritize your sleep.

6. Live in the present

Live the present It involves paying attention only to what is happening in the here and now.. In other words, it means being in line with what is happening at this precise moment; and be aware that everything that is outside of it simply does not exist except in our mind and imagination.

If you manage to train yourself to live in the present, neither the ghosts of the past nor the fears of the future will torment your inner peace. One way to do this is through meditation or mindfulness. So don’t hesitate to try it!

7. Stop competing

Competing against others and against yourself only leads to stress if it becomes a way of life. Personal growth should not be confused with self-competition.since the latter leads to lack of self-esteem and constant frustration.

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8. Learn to forgive

Be careful, forgiving, in the healthy sense of the word, does not mean accepting that the harm they did to you is okay. It means freeing yourself from it, letting go of the people who poison your life. You may never forget the scars they left you, but they may stop itching all the time.

To forgive is to stop living in hate, and hate makes you a slave to those who harmed you.

9. Take responsibility for your actions

Being responsible for your decisions, assuming your mistakes and solving the consequences (or assuming them) is part of personal growth that leads to inner peace. It’s hard to go through the process, but it will help you forgive yourself and feel like you have an active role in your life.

10. Eat well

Diet and stress are closely related, although it is not something that is felt directly and explicitly in the body. Nobody says you can never treat yourself (in fact, they are necessary to be happy), but make your diet varied and free of excess ultra-processed foods.

11. Be yourself

We know that this phrase borders on the cliché and is a little worn out. Nevertheless, Learning to be yourself is quite a challenge and represents one of the pillars that guarantee well-being. Many people are afraid to express their opinions, desires, tastes… and want to fit in at the expense of a mask. In the long run, this disturbs inner peace and leads to discontent.

Therefore, The ideal is that you learn to connect with yourself and live without caring what others will say.. This way you will be able to achieve that inner peace that you long for.

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