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100+ Love Messages for Your Boyfriend: The Most Romantic!


If you’re looking for love messages for your boyfriend, you’ve come to the right place!

The health of a couple depends as much on trust, respect and communication as it does on small details and demonstrations of affection and affection.

A word, a phrase or an unexpected call will make your love’s heart beat faster and strengthen the emotional bond that unites you.

While it’s true that we can’t always count on inspiration, or we’re simply not the most creative at the time of writing, there are thousands of ideas that you can utilize or adapt (feel free) especially for your loved one.

If you need a little help, I will give you many options, you just have to choose the best one and finally customize the message. so that your love feels even more special.

You must be asking yourself, “Am I going to find the best love messages for my boyfriend or will they just be clichés?”

The answer is very simple: you will have the most creative messages, divided by categories and selected especially for you and your love.

Surprise your boyfriend with the best love messages!

Love messages for your boyfriend: The most romantic!

Love messages for boyfriend who is far away

1. May distance not become an obstacle to showing your boyfriend how much you love him and miss him!

two. I don’t care about the distance, I only care about you!

3. You may be out of my eyes, but not out of my thoughts.

4. I have 2 eyes to see you, 5 senses to feel you, 7 days a week to think about you and a lifetime to love you.

5. How nice it would be to wake up at midnight and see you here beside me.

6. Distance separates our lips, but unites our hearts more and more each day.

7. My desire for you doesn’t diminish with distance, it builds up.

8. For love tests, distance was created.

9. It’s amazing how far you are and how close I feel to you.

10. If you give me the opportunity to ask three wishes, I will ask you three times.

11. We’re not that far away, we both see the same moon.

12. You are the perfect person in the wrong distance.

13. 16 hours I think about you, 8 hours I dream about you.

14. How I miss you, my love!

15. You owe me an “I love you” for every breath and a kiss for every second you’re not by my side.

16. Your only flaw is that you don’t wake up next to me.

17. Distance means nothing when you mean everything.

18. I’m thinking of you no matter what time you read this.

19. If you think I think about you all day, you’re wrong! I think all night too.

20. I don’t see you, I don’t call you but… how I think of you!

21. To love is to say without speaking, to see without looking, to feel without touching and to be without being.

22. I love you so intensely that it is not necessary to see or touch you for my love to grow, just close my eyes and know that you exist.

23. Come here and see me and kill this desire I have for you!


funny love messages for boyfriend

Love doesn’t always have to be synonymous with “molestation”. The original messages, with a touch of fun, are also valid and useful to avoid falling into monotony.

24. You are nothing out of this world, you are the best of everything!

25. Forgive my lack of punctuality! I would have loved to come into your life sooner.

26. My favorite color will always be the one in your eyes.

27. You are my wish not to be with anyone else.

28. The law of my gravity always draws me to you.

29. You crossed my path and I forgot where I was going.

30. You are like Google. Everything I look for, I find in you.

31. I like you better than waking up late.

32. Me + you + kisses + hugs = When?

33. You… my favorite moment.

34. A day without a kiss from you is like a pizza without cheese.

35. You have three options: I kiss you, you kiss me or we kiss.

36. I like coffee, but I prefer you!

37. I love you like ducks: PATODAVIDA!

38. The Ministry of Health warns: seeing you away from me makes me miss you.

39. It’s not what I want to feel, it’s what you make me feel involuntarily.

40. I want to spend the rest of my smiles with you.

41. You are the best gift, my favorite song and the movie I would see a million times again.

42. Of all the places I’ve been, the best is by your side!

43. Take off your clothes, we have to talk.

44. I love you, do you understand or do I explain to you with kisses?

45. Happiness has 9 letters, mine only has 2: you!

46. I love you with all my desires!

47. I’ll be brief: I love you just for me.

48. I like you to take all the consequences.

49. I love you so much, like the proton to the electron!

50. I don’t know why I studied in life, if all I need to know is the geography of your body, the history of your eyes and the chemistry of your kisses.

51. You are making me crazy! But don’t worry, it’s love!

52. The smile is mine, but the author is you.

53. May our love be like the sea, see the beginning but not the end.

54. If you give me a choice, I’ll take you!

55. I love you but it’s not that much, it’s forever.

56. With you I don’t want a happy ending, I don’t want an end!

57. I don’t know what I saw in you, I just know that I don’t see it in anyone else.

58. Make love to me, but out of your life.

59. Do you know what is the reason for my smile every day? The first word of that sentence…

60. On the one hand I like you and on the other too!

61. Forget the butterflies, I feel the whole zoo when I’m with you!

62. I have my smile ready for when I see you.

63. I don’t need you, I prefer you!


Love messages for boyfriend who is having a birthday

64. I fall in love 365 times with you. Thanks for putting up with me every day. Happy Birthday!

65. I would say yes a million times over because only you make me feel more special every day. I love you immensely, love of my loves!

66. On a day like today, we started writing together the “Once Upon a Time” of this beautiful love story. Happy Birthday! Thank you for teaching me to love and be loved!

67. How nice to find the love of your life, every day, in the same person.

68. Today I complete another 365 days loving you and I will love you a million more times!

69. I could go around the world and I would choose you again. Happy Birthday!

70. I don’t remember what my life was like before I met you and I can’t imagine what it would be like without you.

71. Thank you for being the reason for my life and my greatest love!

72. Today, on your birthday, I celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday and the hopes of tomorrow. You are my most beautiful past, my happiest present and my confidence in the future!

73. My big reason to celebrate is that you make my life happy with your existence! I knew you like everyone else and I ended up loving you like no one else, finding everything.

74. Today I feel special because our joy is from another planet. Happy Birthday!

“Good morning” and “good night” love messages for boyfriend

Waking up and seeing on your cell phone a message from your love is the best way to start the day, and receiving a good night from the person you love makes you sigh and have the best dreams.

75. You make all my mornings worthwhile, good morning my love!

76. There’s no better way to wake up than thinking about you. I love you everyday and I miss you every night!

77. Good morning, it’s time to open those eyes that drive me crazy!

78. I woke up happy because tonight you didn’t leave my dreams for a second. I wish you the best of days!

79. You are the dream I never wanted to wake up from. Sleep well, my angel!

80. Thank you, once again, for being by my side and filling each of my days with your immense love.

81. You are the person I wake up wanting to live for every day. My first and last thought is you!

82. Don’t go to bed without opening the window, I sent you a million kisses that won’t take long to arrive.

83. May the moon accompany your dreams and in a few hours, both the sun and I will be waiting for you. Kisses!

84. Every day is an opportunity to start over, but all my beginnings I want with you, my life!

85. Let’s give each other good night kisses and good kiss nights.

86. Tonight, like every night, my heart will be full of you. Sweet Dreams!

87. I love you more than yesterday but less than tomorrow. Beautiful day for you!

88. I wish I could hug you and wake you up this morning showering you with kisses.

89. I want to drink you while I drink coffee.

90. I won’t say good night! I say: see you in my dreams!

91. Good Morning! I would wake you up with kisses and caresses, but since I’m far away, I wake you up with a message so you don’t forget you’re in my heart.

92. How do I like my coffee every morning? With you!

93. I like you every morning, but today is overkill!

94. It’s too early to smile, but what can I do if I wake up thinking about you?

95. I’m going to bed early to dream more time with you.


Love messages for boyfriend who is stressed about something

96. I make you angry, but I like you so much, I make you angry, but every day I love you more. Pardon me?

97. I saw you and then I fell in love and I don’t intend to lose you. So I give you two options: you forgive me or I’ll come over there and hit you with kisses. You decide!

98. I don’t want you to be just a few kisses, I don’t want you to be just a few laughs. I don’t want you to be just a few minutes. I love you to be moments, to be joys, to overcome sadness and evaporate worries, I want you to be our story!

99. I love you at all times… good, bad, ugly, beautiful, weird, boring, affectionate, superficial, sarcastic, intellectual, clumsy, grumpy, indifferent, sad and happy. I would kiss each of its facets and take them by the hand for a walk.

100. I love you in all my nights, in all my days, in all my lives. I’m sorry?

101. Never feel jealous. You have something no one else has… my heart!

102. What if we make an exchange? For example: you give me your present and I give you my future… but first I need you to forgive me. What do you think?

103. Being a perfect couple doesn’t mean not having problems, fights and disagreements, but knowing how to overcome them together. I love you!

104. I want four things: to see you, hug you, kiss you and squeeze you until you calm down.

105. I just want to love you without an expiration date. Do not be angry!

106. I don’t want to miss you anymore, I want you close! Forget what happened and come here with me?

107. If I have to sleep, let it be in your arms. If I have to dream, let it be with you. If I have to kiss, let it be your lips. If I have to live, so be it…

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