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10 keys to healthy feeding your brain

Brain It is the most complex organ and surely the most sensitive to food quality.

It is now known that the quality of the diet can influence memory, quick thinking, mood balance and concentration.

It has even been shown that, in the long term, a diet that takes into account the needs of the directing organ helps prevent degenerative diseases and severe as Alzheimer’s.

Neurologists affirm that food is the main strategy to keep the brain in good condition.

Numerous studies have shown that even mild nutritional deficiencies They can affect the intellectual faculties and cause a progressive deterioration of the brain.

The problem is that these deficiencies go unnoticed because they don’t show up in regular blood tests; and because mild symptoms, such as slips and irritability, are considered normal.

There are no miracle pills or foods to be smarter or memorize more data.

However, much can be done to the brain gets everything it needs for their functioning, especially the substances that make up neurons, the precursors of the substances they use to communicate – neurotransmitters – and certain agents that prevent premature aging.

Here are ten keys to feed correctly to the brain.

1. Avoid saturated fats

Brain It is the fattest organ in the body.since it is formed largely by lipids.

This exceptional concentration is due to the fact that Fatty acids are the main constituent of cell membraneswhich in turn are the functional and communication center of each neuron.

The fatty composition of neurons, on which their ability to establish new connectionscan be molded through food.

A diet too high in saturated fatty acids affects cell membranes.

The effects of this type of fat, which is abundant in meats, dairy products, margarines and pastries, are appreciated in memory and in the ability to learn.

Studies carried out with animals by Dr. Carol E Greenwoodfrom the University of Toronto (Canada), show that the learning curve of laboratory mice decreases in direct proportion to the amount of saturated fat of your diet.

We’re not mice, but excess saturated fat is known to damage the human brain because predisposes to insulin resistancea metabolic disorder that is at the root of memory problems and that precedes and accompanies diabetes.

Insulin resistance causes neurons to have feeding difficultiesas the body loses its ability to control glucose levels in the blood.

2. Correctly choose vegetable oils

It is also detrimental excess omega-6 polyunsaturated fatswhich abound in margarines, sauces based on corn or sunflower oil and ready meals.

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They are related to the free radical proliferationthe agents that cause oxidation or aging of cells and can literally cause the brain becomes inflamed and rancid.

in inflammation eicosanoids are involved (agents generated during the assimilation of omega-6 fatty acids) and glutamatea neurotransmitter that when in excess excites and exhausts neurons.

The Omega-3 fatty acidstypical of some vegetable oils such as flax, walnut and soyare the most suitable for keep cell membranes flexible and healthy.

Omega-3 deficiency has been linked to a long series of problems: depression, memory loss, learning difficulties, lack of concentration, Alzheimer’s, multiple sclerosis, irritability…

Plant food sources provide the alpha-linolenic essential acidwhich the body transforms into the other two, the docosahexaenoic (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic (EPA) acids.

He DHA is the constituent material of neural synapses and increases the supply of acetylcholine, one of the main substances involved in memory, while deficiency of EPA causes different mental disorders.

The writer and psychiatrist David Servan-Schreiber recommends people with mood or psychiatric disorders who take one to two grams of EPA daily. Studies indicate that in many cases you begin to notice the beneficial effects at two months.

3. Moderate fast-absorbing sugars

Although it only accounts for 2% of body weight, the brain consumes between 20 and 30% of the energy used by the organism.

Other cells can convert fat or protein into energy, but neurons cannot. To function optimally, nerve cells depend on having enough sugar in the blood in the form of glucose, since it is the only fuel they use.

But this does not mean that the more sugar the better. In fact, the brain needs the rate of glucose in the blood to be balanced, because a glucose deficiency slows down its operation and an excess accelerates its degeneration.

That the glucose level is stable results critical for memorybecause it is necessary for the constant release of the acetylcholine neurotransmitterinvolved in learning processes.

The level of glucose in the blood depends mainly on the types of carbohydrates and fats that are consumed

If you learn to regulate glucose levels through the right food choices you have enormous power to control mental well-being.

The foods that cause undesirable ups and downs of the glucose rates are those that contain fast absorbing carbohydratessuch as sugar, white bread, old potatoes and sweets in general.

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It is advisable to moderate the intake of this food group, otherwise the pancreas increases the production of insulin. This hormone is what allows cells to assimilate glucose, but when it circulates in excess it favors the memory and learning disorders, and even the development of Alzheimer’sas demonstrated by the investigations carried out by Dr. siegfried hoyer at the University of Heidelberg (Germany).

On the other hand, the excess in the intake of simple sugars also causes a alteration of some of the proteins that come into contact with glucose, causing the appearance of advanced products of glycosylation (AGE). These agents lead to a nervous deterioration that possibly has to do with memory loss and dementia in advanced ages.

Slow assimilation complex carbohydrates are the most convenient for the brain and for health in general. They are found in legumes, fruits, muesli and brown rice or pasta.

If these foods are accompanied by vegetables, vegetables, nuts or acidic ingredients such as vinegar, lemon juice or yogurt, the rate of absorption is further reduced.

On the other hand, to keep the glucose index balanced it is recommended eat moderate amounts and several times throughout the day, rather than large amounts on one or two occasions.

4. Do not leave out proteins

If the kinds of fats and sugars ingested are important, proteins could not be less.

Protein-rich foods provide amino acids necessary for the synthesis of neurotransmitters.

Make sure you get enough from food tryptophanan essential amino acid that participates in the serotonin synthesisa neurotransmitter related to sense of well-being.

Tryptophan is found in nuts, soybeans, and other legumes, but eating these foods is not enough. You have to combine them with others rich in complex carbohydrates.

The phenylalin It is another amino acid necessary for the formation of neurotransmitters. Is precursor of tyrosine, dopamine and norepinephrineamong other messenger substances related to concentration.

To dedicate yourself in the short term to an activity that requires maximum levels of care one can resort to predominantly protein foodalthough not too abundant or difficult to digest.

Nevertheless, it is not convenient to abuse of proteins, because in excess saturate the body with metabolic waste.

The hillan amino acid that stimulates the synthesis of the neurotransmitter aceticoline, helps form new connections between neuronsin addition to protecting the brain and circulatory system against cholesterol.

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Its production is favored by the consumption of foods rich in phosphatidylcholine. Generous source of this substance is the soy lecithinwhile lettuce, peanuts, sunflower seeds and cauliflower contain free hillalso recommended.

5. Increase the consumption of antioxidants

antioxidants neutralize dangerous free radicals that deteriorate cells and disturb their functioning.

They can even reduce the odds that a genetic tendency is expressed to a disease determined.

A person who counts among his relatives with Alzheimer’s or cancer cases You can reduce the risk of these diseases by consuming enough antioxidants that immediately repair 99% of damage caused in cells.

The body synthesizes antioxidants such as glutathione, lipoic acid and coenzyme Q10 on its own, but after the age of 25, production slows down and a greater dose of food must be obtained.

Several studies have shown that the presence of a greater amount of antioxidants in the blood corresponds to better results in tests of logical reasoning and memory.

The Vitamin Ewhich is found in seeds, nuts and extra virgin vegetable oils, especially protects brain cells wear produced by the attack of free radicals. This is how you prevent Alzheimer’s and degenerative diseases in general.

Another nutrient that prevents oxidation of the brain is vitamin C. It is very effective and contributes to the creation of neurotransmitters like dopamine. Young people who consume more vitamin C have been shown to highest notes. Oranges and kiwis contain high doses and is useful include them in breakfast.

He selenium not only does it inhibit radicals wherever they are found, but neurons need it to synthesize glutathione, an endogenous antioxidant. The deficiency of this mineral, which is found in high proportions in legumes, garlic and Brazil nuts, increases anxiety.

The antioxidant properties of vitamins multiply by consuming carotenes and polyphenols that abound in foods such as spinach, strawberries, blackberries, grapes, tomatoes, plums, pomegranates, garlic or peppers.

6. Ensure group B vitamins

The set of vitamins of group B fulfills a mission of great importance in the brain.

The folic acid deficiencywhich is obtained mainly from green leafy vegetables and legumes, is perhaps the most widespread among the population and can cause subtle changes in mood

For example, along with the vitamins B6 and B12 is necessary for check homocysteine ​​levelan amino acid…

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