How to improve acneic skin with food
Acne originates basically from four causes, which allows us to act on different fronts when trying to eliminate it through food.
Taking them into account, we can adapt our diet by avoiding foods that harm the skin and promoting those that help care for it. These causes are mainly:
An increase in the synthesis of sebum. A greater keratinization. The extension of the infection. An inflammation of the base, which can be associated with intestinal alterations such as poor digestion or gas, among others.
One way to improve these fronts is by promoting food consumptions specific that are especially indicated to combat acne. In this article we have highlighted mushrooms, pumpkin seeds, walnuts, black olives, black grapes, artichoke, endive, carrot, black garlic, and kombucha tea.
However, it may also help to keep a few principles in mind:
1. Reduce glycemic load
To deal with acne, we can start by reduce the glycemic load of the diet. The results are very satisfactory, since with this simple measure we reduce both the synthesis of sebum and inflammation.
Reducing the glycemic load goes through avoiding dairy, sugar, and glycemic foods.
2. Avoid certain foods
In the case of adolescents, it is especially important avoid foods of a hot and toxic naturesuch as fried or spicy …
At the same time, gluten and low-quality fats should generally be avoided.
3. More vitamin A and zinc
Foods rich in these nutrients, on the other hand, help control acne.
4. Take care of the microbiota
It is essential to take care of the intestinal flora with prebiotic and probiotic foods.
5. Help the liver
In general, it is also important to fill your pantry with foods that promote liver cleansing and the correct function of the emunctory organs, such as the lungs, kidneys and large intestine.
Other habits that help you eliminate pimples
To drink enough water, manage stress, sunbathe and play sports are other measures that help regulate skin health.
Treat yourself with a little tea tree essential oil can be of great help.