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10 Benefits of matcha for your health and beauty

Matcha is the powdered green tea bud. In addition to being used to color food, today it can be found in different products such as frappes, cakes, cookies, ice cream, creams and much more.

Check out the list of matcha benefits that awesome.club prepared for you.

The production

For its production, the tea leaves are covered and protected from the sun to prevent their growth. This increases the amount of amino acids and intensifies its sweet taste. After harvesting, the leaves are placed to dry and the result is known as tencha🇧🇷 Then the stalks are removed and the leaves are ground to create the powder known as matcha.

Your benefits

1. Improved brain function

A study by researchers at Wageningen University in the Netherlands determined that due to matcha’s three components (L-theanine, epigallocatechin gallate, known as GEGC, and caffeine), its consumption can help improve brain function. The product increases attention, reaction time and memory.

2. Helps fight sleep

Matcha contains theine, chemically the same molecule as caffeine, and theanine, a relaxing substance that reduces the change caused by the other component. This balance makes matcha a good alternative to keep the body awake and energized.

3. Helps you lose weight

In addition to containing few calories, matcha helps to burn calories in your body, accelerating metabolism. It has thermogenic properties, so energy consumption increases and causes body heat. Due to the natural fibers, the product is also good against constipation and fluid retention, also favoring weight loss.

4. Decreased cholesterol and blood sugar

5. Works as a detoxifier

Matcha breaks down the toxic poisons we have in the body, as well as nicotine and alcohol, as well as some chemicals that may be present in some foods. That’s why the Japanese drink so much green tea, to avoid poisoning from eating raw foods. The content of niacin and chlorophyll make this product a good detoxifier, favoring the elimination of toxins, digestion and some intestinal problems.

6. Helps prevent the appearance of cavities

The chemicals in matcha reduce the bacteria present in the mouth. In addition, there is a decrease in the acidity of saliva, which helps to prevent cavities. The amount of fluoride helps to strengthen tooth enamel.

7. Improved mood

The relaxing properties reduce stress and anxiety, improving our mood, mainly due to the presence of L-theanine. Unlike other relaxants, this one doesn’t leave us without strength; on the contrary, it fills us with energy.

8. Nutrients

Matcha contains vitamin C which, among its most different functions, is contributing to the absorption of iron. It also contains selenium, which helps in the formation of special proteins to prevent cell damage; chromium, important in the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates; magnesium, a mineral essential for nutrition, for the correct functioning of muscles and nerves and for the constant rhythm of the heart; and zinc, necessary for the defense system to perform its function properly. The drink helps in wound healing and participates in cell growth and division.

9. Slows down aging

10. Reduction of pain

Thanks to its anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, matcha can be used as a natural pain relief treatment. One of its great functions is cell repair.


It originates from China, from the times of the Song dynasty. Some time later, the Buddhist monk Eisai took him to Japan, where he was much more consumed than in Japan. The antioxidant power of matcha is 10 times greater than that of traditional green tea. ‘Matcha’ in Japanese means ‘powdered tea’. Due to its widespread consumption in Japan, it is considered a sacred tea, making it more expensive than other teas. The price is determined according to the quality, related to its color.

If you know of another matcha benefit, share it in the comments.

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