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Why doesn’t my partner give me oral sex?

Oral sex is very pleasurable, but not all people are willing to practice it. The causes of this refusal are diverse and can have different origins: from bad experiences to simply ignorance about their practice.

These are situations that occur in both men and women, although it is true that, when a woman has her period, her partner may be a little less willing to perform oral sex on her. If any of these cases happen to you, you will surely wonder Why doesn’t my partner give me oral sex? At unCOMO we explain the main causes behind the rejection of this practice, in addition to proposing some very effective solutions.

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He doesn’t want to do oral sex The relationship between selfishness and oral sex If you don’t do oral sex, neither do I He doesn’t give you oral sex because you haven’t told him He doesn’t know how to do oral sex The lack of hygiene stops oral sex The taste is unpleasant Hair bothers oral sex

He doesn’t want to do oral sex

Sometimes the couple’s refusal to perform oral sex is simply because he doesn’t like it. And, although in general it is a pleasant experience for most people, the truth is that for others it is not so much. And nothing happens.

You have to think that oral sex is like any other practice. Just as you may not like anal sex, light spankings or a certain sexual position, you may not like the pleasure provided by the mouth. It is also important to know that there are people who are very traditional and they categorically reject certain sexual practices that they still consider taboo.

The relationship between selfishness and oral sex

Another reason why your partner doesn’t give you oral sex is selfishness. There are people who They like to receive pleasure, but not so much to give it. And in oral sex this is quite common, especially in couples in which there is not an equal relationship.

In these cases, the woman usually agrees to perform oral sex on the man to be accepted and because she has misconceptions that he will abandon her if she does not do it or for fear that he will think that she is repressed. Some thoughts that, above all, occur in adolescents and in first relationships or, simply, to avoid loneliness.

However, there are men who take advantage of this predominant position so that the woman gives them fellatio, but they delay the moment of cunnilingus. And the worst of all is that the day to practice it never comes. In these cases, the most appropriate thing is to rethink the relationship because the fair and logical thing is to give and receive.

If you don’t do oral sex, neither do I.

Among the reasons why your partner doesn’t give you oral sex is the excuse that he doesn’t do it. because you don’t practice it either. In these cases, it is best to talk about it and try to reach a common meeting point that is satisfactory for both parties, but within a balanced relationship. Not because you give more, he will love you or value you more. And, above all, you have to do it if you really want to carry out this sexual practice.

You may also be interested in this other article about Common mistakes in oral sex.

He doesn’t give you oral sex because you haven’t told him.

Knowing what a person likes and really turns them on is not always easy. Added to this is the fact that many times in the couple there are lack of communication in, let’s say, all those issues related to the bed.

If you are wanting him to perform oral sex on you and he doesn’t take the initiative, it is best to talk about it openly. Your partner may think that you don’t want to because you haven’t mentioned it and that’s why he doesn’t take the step.

He doesn’t know how to do oral sex

Another reason why your partner doesn’t give you oral sex is because you don’t know. We must be aware that not all people are good lovers. In addition, sex also requires practice and learning.

Fortunately, this has an easy solution. Nowadays, there are numerous books, magazines or information on the Internet that explain how to perform oral sex. You can read the contents together and practice to learn little by little and improve the technique that leads you to orgasm.

If this is the case, you may be interested in one of these two articles:

How to give oral sex to a woman. How to give oral sex to a man.

Lack of hygiene stops oral sex

Many people refuse to perform oral sex because it disgusts them a bit, since it is considered to be a dirty part of the body. Of course, it is important to take extreme hygiene. But, if there is still rejection, the solution is simple.

You just have to wash well before having sex. In addition, it can be an interesting practice to do it in the bathtub, shower or jacuzzi. This way, your partner will have complete confidence that the area is perfectly clean.

The taste is unpleasant

Sometimes, even if hygiene has been taken care of, the truth is that there are people who find the body taste of this area of ​​the body unpleasant. This doesn’t have to be a problem either because nowadays it can be camouflaged.

Just as there are flavored preservatives, there are gels for him and her that are used for sexual purposes and that also have different flavors. It’s a matter of choosing the one that best suits your tastes and the one that you find tastiest.

Hair bothers oral sex

Hair in the genital area can also be used as an excuse not to practice oral sex. Hair removal of this part of the body is a very personal topic and the decision to remove the hair or not or do it partially should be a decision made by each person and not at the suggestion of another, although suggestions can be listened to.

With these explanations, at unCOMO we hope to have answered your question: why doesn’t my partner perform oral sex on me? Remember that communication between the couple is very important. And, if necessary, go to medical specialists to solve possible problems.

If you want to read more articles similar to Why doesn’t my partner give me oral sex?we recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.

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