In this article we will talk to you about the white aura and its meaning. Different cultures, from ancient times to our times, have documented and described the aura or auric body of various colors that manifests in all living beings. Here you will discover the wonderful and complex characteristics of the luminous white color.

The White Aura

The aura is a subtle fluid in circular bands of colors that surround the human, animal or plant body. Its luminous irradiation can reach up to one meter in length. The color white can reflect other energies since all other colors are present perfectly combined in white.

According to scientists, the aura originates from the light that emanates from inside the body, generated by the electromagnetic energy present within us. The mystics complement by explaining that this light that emerges from each living being penetrates its matter from other dimensions.

The human being is made up of different strata of consciousness that are well differentiated from each other: The physical, etheric, astral, mental and spiritual bodies. Each of these bodies are related to the primary colors: red, yellow and blue.

When the primaries mix, secondary colors are born: orange, green, indigo and violet. And when these seven colors come together, white is born, the most perfect color. The aura of Christ was white. If you pay attention to the way it was described by his apostles after his resurrection, a very bright white light surrounded him. And this is how it has been captured in art.

All of us could have a white aura like that of our brother Jesus and that is where we are heading. But first we have to learn to live in complete harmony, so that all the chromatic vibrations of our bodies merge and reach a white aura of the most absolute purity.

Each of the colors of the aura has an interesting meaning, but the characteristics of white go beyond spirituality, beauty and perfection. Experts in spiritual issues, supported by chromatography specialists, agree that white is the perfect color.

Meaning of the Color White

The white aura is called the aura of diversity because it is possible that some people of very high spiritual vibration already bring it with them without it needing to be the result of a chromatic fusion. Many psychics and religious people carry this aura.

This aura means abundance of high energy, very bright white light. When all the colors of the etheric body vibrate in harmony, they end up merging into a very luminous white aura.

The white aura symbolizes all perfection and beauty. Ascension of consciousness, enlightenment and spirituality. If you have this aura it means that you have balance, tranquility and great energy present in your life. They are an inexhaustible source of love, peace, spirituality, optimism, humility, strength and joy.

Characteristics of White Aura People

The colors of the aura have special characteristics that give us an idea of ​​what type of person the wearer is. We can know their feelings and character because the aura is a true reflection of who we are. It leaves no room for the hidden.

The white aura is characterized by being extremely complex, it is the color of diversity. People with a white aura have extremely special characteristics that surpass other colors.

They are people who fight for justice, work for peace, most of them spiritual leaders such as Pope Saint John Paul II, the Dalai Lama, José Gregorio Hernández, Mother Teresa of Calcutta and others, shamans, religious men and women, who They have dedicated themselves to cultivating virtues and working for the benefit of humanity.

Characteristics positive

Depending on the tone and brightness of the white color, they are divided into:

Basic color. Secondary color.

These characteristics occur in the same person, it only depends on their mood, which reaffirms the complexity and richness of the white aura. Its color is very white, luminous and shiny.

As main color

When the white aura manifests, we immediately identify an independent being, endowed with developed psychic abilities even if they have not made an attempt to connect with the universe and the beings of light that share it with us.

The possessors of this magical light are calm, peaceful, patient and simple people. Although they are idealistic, they do not set high expectations for themselves. Your home and family is the most important thing.

It is very practical, good for comforting and reassuring someone who is going through a bad time because it has an innate wisdom to calm the mind and emotions. Her experience puts her at the service of whoever needs it to resolve difficult situations.

People with a white aura adapt to any circumstance, they are a warrior who always finds a way to stay afloat and support their family no matter how hard the conditions they find themselves in are. They always look for a way to make things work.

They are good at making quick decisions, without fear, and doing the work that needs to be done to achieve the objectives. They are excellent leaders. They never get carried away by their impulses, they are pragmatic, discreet and trusting, sincere and considerate of others.

They are generally very attractive and charming people who always have many admirers whom they charm with their confidence, talents, physical beauty and great personality.

Other traits of white aura possessors: Intelligent, self-sufficient, curious, creative, secure, innovative, neat, neat, organized, optimistic, with positive thoughts and self-confidence. They know how to keep themselves entertained, they never get bored.

Faithful and loyal, their commitment as a couple is eternal and the love they give is unconditional. Generally white aura, they are quite remembered by all the people who know them, their way of being and acting is wonderful.

As secondary color

It indicates that they are going through a stage of deep reflection, they like to be alone to dedicate themselves to their inner self and to achieve this they need to disconnect from everything around them. They are not listless or depressed, they just want to enjoy their home, rest, peace, and the simple things in life. They are not interested in anything transcendental.

Although sometimes they spend so much time disconnected from those around them and this becomes a complication: Friends and family stay away and make them feel quite alone. Better to leave them alone in their introspection, but not for too long, so that they do not feel forgotten.

Negative characteristics

Just like in the positive ones, it is divided into two: Basic Color and Secondary Color.

As basic color

Another possible reaction is to become arrogant, capricious and selfish people; Nothing would matter more to them than their reality, so they must be very aware of their ego and try to remain balanced in the middle of each situation that arises.

As secondary color

It indicates that they are behaving selflessly and egomaniacal. They are not interested in other people’s concerns, nothing worries them and they can even play victims to attract attention. The White of your aura will be perceived as stained.

Distortions in the white aura

Now, since the possessor of the white aura is human, and lives surrounded by others of his species, animals and multiple events that will affect the vibration of his aura with each positive or negative action he receives, if it is not controlled, it will affect the character or way of being of these people.

When the white color of the aura becomes opaque and takes second place within the auric body, it indicates that its owner is going through conflictive and worrying moments in his life and needs to dedicate a little more time to meditation.

It is a very strong color. It would be a challenge to keep its aura always white and luminous, because the circumstances of the wearer always change. When feeling unbalanced, physically ill or vulnerable, self-defense intervenes and tries to hide.

The state of health, mood, physical activity and interpersonal relationships always interfere. Each stimulus makes it vary. If the influence of the vibrations is negative, they could become people totally contrary to their natural white aura characteristics.

People with a white aura do not want to bother or worry anyone with their problems, so they jealously hide that they have difficulties that they are having a hard time solving. Hence, his aura tends to reflect the stress that his owner is going through.

White Aura Recommendations

Don’t be afraid to start over. Stay open to all possibilities. Free yourself from obstacles. Remember that your potential is unlimited. Take advantage of this energy whenever you need confidence or security. Keep your aura clean and energized.

Cleanse and Protect your Aura

On certain occasions we feel exhausted, overwhelmed, full of anger, depressed, afraid, resentful, vengeful. We then have to become aware, go inside ourselves and investigate the reason for our emotions or actions.

Remember that the aura absorbs all that large amount of positive and negative energies from the environment, so at the end of the day the weight will be quite exhausting. It is time to clean our auras and make them vibrate with renewed energy. This is not complicated at all, here we present very effective home treatments:

Sea salt

When you get home after a long day of work and the complications of daily life, give yourself a few minutes to relax and pamper yourself:

If you have a bathtub, fill it with hot water and put a few handfuls of sea salt in it. Dip in and with another handful of salt, gently rub your skin, gently exfoliating it. Except for the face, your skin is very delicate and could become irritated.

While you enjoy your sea salt bath, concentrate, discard bad thoughts and imagine that where you pass your hand with the salt, all those layers that prevented you from coming out into the light of your aura begin to fall.

You will feel how your whole body relaxes, you forget the discomfort, your skin is very soft and all the weight of the day is lightened.

If you don’t have a bathtub, take a hot shower, you still rub the salt and at the end of the shower you will dissolve salt in a cup of water and let it drain all over your body, except your face.


Sing, clap, dance to the rhythm of your favorite music. When you feel tired, take a long bath. Accompany your shower by singing or listening to the music you like the most. Visualize your aura vibrating to the rhythm of the music and as it vibrates it releases all that garbage that bothers it and dulls its shine.


It helps balance the chakras and cleanse and balance the aura.


Visualization is very effective, not only for cleaning the aura, but for communicating with our spiritual guides. It is a meditation technique. Sit with your back straight, in a comfortable place where you will not have interruptions, close your eyes, concentrate and imagine rays of light bathing you.

If you know what color your aura is, visualize a very bright ray of light the color of your aura entering your head and…

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