According to holistic kinesiology, the muscular reactions of the human body allow us to identify alterations and ailments that may be related to the emotional, energetic and chemical field. If you are interested in the topic, we invite you to continue reading.

What is holistic kinesiology?

Kinesiology is a discipline that studies the muscular reaction of the body. The word derives from the Greek “Kinesis”, which means “movements”.

Holistic kinesiology is defined as a passive diagnostic method, with which the human body can be examined without needing to interfere with its functions. It is based on the following principle: «“Muscle reactions can be used to know the patient’s general health status.”

The word holistic comes from the Greek “Holos”, which means everything. In this sense, holistic kinesiology considers that the human body is a network in which all elements are connected.

This network not only includes the structural body, but also the emotional, energetic and chemical body. So any alteration in one of them can affect any of the others.

First Steps of Holistic Kinesiology

Holistic kinesiology was put into practice in the 80s by therapist Rafael Van Asshe. He discovered the method by chance, while working at the Buchinger clinic, Costa del Sol, Spain.

A patient with lumbago problems came to an appointment with Van Asshe and described her problem, so he administered an osteopathy test to evaluate the situation.

Van Asshe realized that the test results were different, depending on the person his patient was talking about. This led him to the conclusion that emotional life has an impact on the health of the body. From there, he dedicated himself to researching the matter.

The objective of this diagnostic technique is the complete evaluation of the body, therefore, it is based on the so-called Arm Reflex (translated as arm reflex, and abbreviated AR).

What is AR?

The Arm Reflex is used to find imbalances in the body and their causes, allowing the appropriate treatment to be identified.

The AR is a nervous response of the body’s muscles to a stimulus. Thus, in the diagnostic process a dialogue is established with the patient’s body and close attention is paid to how the muscles respond to different stimuli.

A negative stimulus applied to the patient causes tension in his body, while a positive one relaxes him. Through these responses, the individual’s condition is evaluated and an attempt is made to find the reasons that caused the imbalance.

The fields that make up the human being according to holistic kinesiology

From a holistic point of view, it is considered that health can be affected by any imbalance in the energy bodies that make up the human body.

For holistic kinesiology, the human body is made up of the following fields: energetic, chemical, emotional and structural. Therefore, an imbalance in any of these fields can cause alterations in one of the others.

The fundamental idea of ​​holistic kinesiology is to find the causes of the patient’s problem and, from there, determine which of the fields they are related to. Thus, the appropriate treatment can be applied.

The energy field

Imbalances in the energy field can be caused by external factors (electric currents and magnetic fields), as well as by internal factors (misaligned chakras, blocked meridians, energy leaks due to scars or old wounds).

The chemical field

Alterations in this field are associated with problems in the intestinal flora, which affects the amount of nutrient absorption in the body and the immune system.

It also includes problems due to the presence of toxins in the blood (heavy metals), as well as bacteria and parasites that prevent the body from achieving homeostasis or balance.

The emotional field

The alterations that this emotional field can present are related to past traumas, internal conflicts, hatred, resentments, depression or nervous system problems.

The structural field

The structural field is related to problems of the physical body itself. Among the causes may be: muscle contractions, poor posture when sitting or exercising, joint inflammation, visceral spasms and all kinds of body injuries.

Healing techniques applied in holistic kinesiology

The diagnosis made by reading the body’s muscular response can be used to identify the causes of the disease or imbalance that the patient presents.

Once the cause and the field to which the alteration belongs are identified, a treatment is carried out to return the body to its original balance. These treatments vary depending on the diagnosis.

Treatments for the energy field

Problems with the energy field can be treated through different alternative therapies, such as:


Acupuncture has its origins in traditional Chinese medicine and is based on the introduction of needles into specific places on the body. It is believed that these are capable of balancing the flow of energy, which is why it is considered an effective method in the treatment of energy disorders.


Reiki can be interpreted as universal life energy. Through this technique, energy is channeled through the hands and the aim is to help the patient restore balance in their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies.


Chromotherapy therapy is based on the color spectrum, therefore, each color is associated with a certain vibrational frequency. The technique consists of the application of colors and their vibration to restore balance to the human energy field.


According to this branch of traditional Chinese medicine, the ears are connected to nerve points that relate to the entire body. The therapy consists of stimulating these so that the energy circulates and balance is returned to the energy field.

Music therapy

Music therapy uses music as an instrument to improve the patient’s health. By using this type of therapy, you can balance the energy field and awaken great cognitive and emotional activity in the brain.

Treatments for the chemical field

In holistic kinesiology, the intake of natural products and foods and dietary supplements is preferred to treat alterations in the chemical field. The patient must follow a diet, which will allow him to recover the homeostatic balance of his body.

Treatments for the emotional field

For alterations in the emotional field, different therapies are used. Some of them are the following:

Bach flowers

Bach flowers are used in the treatment of emotional disorders, as they are said to help restore balance in the emotional field.


Regression leads the patient to relive past life events. What is sought is for you to understand the relationship between these and your present emotional state.

Neuro-Linguistic Programming

Neurolinguistic programming (NLP) is a method that is based on being aware of the information that is discarded or not taken into account. It also includes realizing the emotions and responses given to situations that arise.

This therapy can serve to regain balance in the emotional field.


EMDR, also known as Tapping, is a therapeutic psychology technique with which traumatic experiences are relived in a controlled manner to minimize their impact. It is based on the stimulation of the brain through eye movements, sounds and tapping.

Treatments for the structural field

For alterations in this field, techniques such as osteopathy or chiropractic therapy can be used.


Osteopathy is a non-intrusive physiotherapeutic technique that is based on the diagnosis and treatment of ailments of the physical body, which is why it treats cases such as low back pain, shoulder pain, arthritis and circulatory problems.

Chiropractic therapy

Chiropractic is a type of alternative medicine that deals with the proper functioning of the spine and, as a consequence, the treatment of the entire musculoskeletal system.

Benefits and importance of holistic kinesiology

The study of muscle reactions reveals sufficient information, which guarantees a safe diagnosis and adequate treatment.

If you want more information about holistic kinesiology, we recommend the following video.

The diagnosis process creates an interesting dialogue between the doctor and his patient, since the medical professional must be attentive to how the body reacts to each stimulus. This procedure yields precise results that favor a proper diagnosis. The holistic kinesiology, according to opinions From conventional doctors, it is a great diagnostic tool. The diagnosis is not limited to the physical body, but encompasses the various fields, allowing for holistic treatment. Depending on the diagnosis, conventional treatment can be applied or alternative therapies can be used.

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