The Novena to Saint Pancras It is widely used to ask for help by millions of believers who expect health, work and well-being from the Saint. This novena helps us to implore the Saint out of fervor, also to request healing for a sick person or to obtain a job. They are effective prayers, which is why it is very common to see the illustration of this saint as guardian of the place in markets and stores.

Novena to Saint Pancras

Saint Pancratius was a boy who lived in a town near Rome. When he finally turned 14, this Holy child was left helpless and was taken to Rome by his uncle to help him with household and farm work.

In that place, his uncle made him fall in love with Jesus Christ, he put his full faith in Him and had himself baptized, but the day after his sacrament, Saint Pancras was taken as a prisoner due to the following of the religious led by the unworthy emperor Diocletian, then He died from this, as he preferred to be beheaded rather than renounce his faith in God.

With the Novena to Saint Pancras you can find a way to put your trust in God through this patron saint of work and strength.

Saint Pancras and his faith

History tells us that he was subjected to torment and ferocity so that he would curse his faith, but the young Saint already enjoyed the love of Jesus and had given his heart to Him, thus rejecting everything that distanced him from his adoration of God.

After giving thanks and absolving his perverse executioners, Saint Pancras did not hesitate to offer his youth to remain faithful to Christ.

Pope Gregory the Great, repeatedly summoned the crowd of people to gather around his holy tomb, so that, from that place, everyone could study what the argument of authentic Christian love represents.


We encourage you to invoke the Novena to Saint Pancras, that is, for nine days, you must pray these prayers. in case you are going through any conflict in your daily life or to get a job.

First day

By the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

act of constriction

My Lord Jesus Christ, God and authentic man, savior of the souls in you. Trust, I love you with all my heart, I am sorry if I have ever offended you, and exhausted

Before the image of your martyr Saint Pancras, through his intervention, I propose not to sin anymore, correct my libertine life, and fulfill the penance that was imposed.

To obtain mercy and clemency from you, if I am worthy of it, and thus purified to later obtain the crown of eternal Glory as a reward. Amen


Our heart has been created to love: what you have to love most is God; more than all individuals, more than all the fortunes in the universe and, in this way, you will also avoid many disappointments.

This is how Saint Pancras did it and that is why he achieved so much help from God. Ask from your heart for this grace; You will be more serene and you will receive protection in everything you need.


According to Christian doctrine, it is a virtue that inclines us to believe everything that God has manifested and the church establishes as a matter of faith.

By Faith we profess the truths set forth, as our holy Mother Church proposes to us. Without faith, there is no peace or calm in the world and in mortals.

Look at the picture that all of humanity offers in these times. The world and society are full of hatred and stir in incessant attacks.

A people battles with another people, some nations against others, and individuals are in continuous war, because they lack the primary basis of their beliefs, which is Faith.

Final Prayer

Saint Pancras, venerated ideal of Christ, I ask you to grant me the graces I ask for from God if they are beneficial, so that I can prostrate myself before your image to pay you tribute of gratitude for the favors received. Amen.

In the next video you will hear part of the first day of the novena to Saint Pancras.

Second day

The Holy Joy of Hope

Mortal man is versatile, and many times he fails to comply, without offering the service he owes to Christ, his Creator. Not a few of those who are granted qualities, vain for these graces, isolate themselves from the just and reasonable path that will take them to their eternal salvation.

They trust themselves; They break, and even discard, the teachings so well provided by the church. Its interest is to usurp souls. She incites, investigates, searches, teaches those who are confused.

The goal is that they always achieve prosperity; temporal and concerning, while they live in the world, and then the enduring, unconditional and indisputable, which is Heaven.

The first provides harmony to the heart of the religious, and therefore well-being. This joy will be perpetual, if it preserves the grace of God. It is a bond that should never be broken. The perfect union is an anchor to not sink in the whirlwind that threatens, scourges and envelops the pilgrim and doubtful man.

He who waits and fulfills according to the divine Law will be saved and fortunate. Hope must be a shield, and glory must be the reward for his work and honest practices. This is how Saint Pancras understood it. He records in the ancient records of the torment of him that he said to the emperor Diocletian;

“Christians put all their joy into shedding blood for Jesus Christ…” The hope of a better life was his ideal and he acquired it at a very young age. Ask for the grace you wish to achieve in this Novena.


Trusting in God, having peace in our hearts, acting honestly, are graces that make us hope for a blessed end forever.

Third day

Charity, charity, charity!

Charity is the queen of virtues, it is what must command and take care of our hearts. This virtue (according to Saint Augustine) is a commitment that we always have in favor of our neighbor. It is paid when it is instructed, and it is due when it is received, because there is no period in which one should not act.

We read in the Gospel: “Do you not mean to say, What shall we eat, what shall we drink, or what shall we wear? The heavenly Father takes care of all that”.

God squeezes but does not drown. Let us be detached, splendid, compassionate. To those who, without mistreating, discard the riches of the world, for the love of God and our fellow human beings, he has offered to give them a hundredfold, and also perennial life.

Charity makes the poor truly rich; He who exercises it obtains an infinite treasure of gifts; joy, harmony, tranquility, rest, well-being and a series of spiritual graces that flow from the grace of the Lord.

Think that all the epic actions of the saints have no other secret than mercy. The history of the church is full of examples to repeat. Perfect mercy removes from the soul all misgivings and fear, as well as attachment to fortunes, destined to corrupt and fade away.

Through this superior virtue, you work to accumulate a capital that in the afterlife will be endless, indestructible, without uncertainties and external. Saint Pancras, in a short time, given his tender age, taught charity to the highest degree, to the point of shedding his blood, to unite forever with your beloved Jesus.

Fourth day


It is a fundamental virtue that regulates our well-being. In reciprocal dealings with individuals, everything that must be notified must be said, neither more nor less, what is equitable and complete, emphatically and with frankness.

Kempis teaches: It is great knowledge not to act hastily, nor to stubbornly adhere to one’s own way of feeling. It is the same to not give consideration to what they tell us, nor to tell others what has been heard or imagined. We must take recommendations, in delicate situations in our lives, from a sensible and upright man.

For this reason, the good life makes man cultured according to God and experienced in many things. The more obedient one is and faithful to the Lord, the more calm and intelligent he will be in everything. What good is science without the fear of God? There are instructions that matter little or nothing to the soul, because empty, prolix and bad words, which predominate in superabundance in treatment, are often lost and wasted.

On the other hand, a holy life and pure knowledge drive him to have peace of mind and conviction of his salvation. Truly the sensible man who has faith is great. The grant of charity is also great. Truly he is great who calls himself small and has the most outstanding honor in nothing. He is great who, to gain Jesus Christ, considers all earthly things unworthy.

He is wise who fulfills God’s will and renounces his own. This is how the martyr Saint Pancras acted and practiced it, therefore deserving the honors of the altar.

Fifth day


To lead to justice, there must be a law, which is what establishes precepts; and to be perfect, those commands must be equitable and in accordance with reason. The Law established by Jesus Christ, which we call the Gospel, is not only most holy, but docile and hesitant to comply, advantageous to believers who implement our creed and beneficial to souls who desire their salvation.

It is compared with the excellence known from the ancient Law, of course the evangelical one prevails in its implementation, due to the harshness and difficulties that the former offers. A single respect and example to clarify the perception: the bewildered man longs to get closer to God and intensifies the illusion of one day being perennially blessed.

This cannot be achieved in the Old Law, not even the patriarchs themselves, but by a perfect act of mercy or perfect penance.

Sixth day


It is one of the most complex honesty to practice, given human versatility. We must reflect that man’s life on earth is a continuous militia, we must fight to win. He who has the strength to conquer and achieve the outstanding ideal, that is, salvation, will achieve complete success.

We must maintain our position as most devout believers stable and resolved in our work, so that the grace of God may witness us. As such, let us be attentive and careful in holy service.

In this regard, a contemplative author writes that he was full of anguish, struggling between suspicion and illusion, tired of despair, when he entered the temple and prostrated himself before the altar in prayer, and meditating on various things in his heart, he said :

“Oh” If I knew that I had to persevere” And immediately he heard this divine response within him: “What would you do if you knew? Do now what you would do then, and you will be very safe. “You will be saved”

Seventh day


For six centuries the Roman Empire predominated on earth. Rome, capital of the empire, was a progressive city; It permeated all readiness; Its laws, accredited by written reason, dominated all the conquered countries, infusing language, art and other intellectual skills in the government of the people.

Roman authority reached its frigid point while the customs of the inhabitants were moderate; but the decline began when the passions overflowed, the human beast shining. He then lost that kind of spirituality that weighed on rulers and governed,…

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