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The weirdest sweets in the world

Food manufacturers can’t get enough of creating weird products. When it comes to sweets, they love to add new flavors, shapes and colors to try to catch the consumer’s eye, especially children. Unfortunately, the strategy doesn’t always work.

Check out the weirdest sweets in the world below and rest assured, they won’t require any kind of self-control. You won’t be dying to eat them…

18. Candies with the strangest flavors

Do you remember Bertie Bott’s candy from Harry Potter? Taste of dirt, soap, rotten fish, sock, beer and others. The Jelly Belly Candy Company has been making weird candy like this for a long time.

17. Bullets with insects

The Hotlix company has been making unique candy with insects for over 25 years. The bullets contain ants, worms, scorpions and so on. Don’t you think it’s enough? There is a cheese-flavored maggot chocolate.

16. Candy in the form of a urine sample bottle

Candywarehouse company creates the craziest candies in the world. One, the sweet liquid acid, is placed in vials that look like urine sample pots. The brand claims that it is a fun candy to play pranks on with friends.

15. Candied violets

Candied violets are super weird but quite popular. They are produced by the brand La Violeta, from Spain. Unlike violet-shaped candies, the company uses real flowers to make its sweets.

14. Sweet ‘Gorilla Snot’

This candy isn’t just awful, it’s bad for you. You ‘Gorilla Boogers’ are beans that are sweetened and dried in a very special way.

13. Raw dough ice cream

12. Candy in the form of a toilet

The Moko Moko Mokoletto is an amazing Japanese set (and sold on Amazon) with which you can cook a special candy. First, it is necessary to prepare: put the powder in the tank and add water. The ingredients mix and the person can drink the mixture through a small straw. Strange, like a lot of Japanese sweets…

11. Sweet soup

10. Pepsi Flavored with Tree, Ice Cream, Cucumber and Snow

Pepsi never ceases to amaze its consumers. In addition to different colors, such as the transparent one, the company manufactures limited editions of the drink. The brand has also surprised the world with the flavors of coffee, tropical fruits, herbs, strawberry, cinnamon, yogurt, sakura (cherry tree), sweet Azuki fruit and others.

9. Camel Balls and Toro Balls gum

Despite the strange appearance, especially among adults, children love this gum, especially for the filling.

8. Unicorn ‘poo’

The American company Lolli & Pops produces, among other things, these glowing candies, supposedly ‘produced’ by unicorns.

7. KitKat to bake

Few people know that Nestlé produces more than 200 flavors of chocolate Kit Kat. All over the world you can find chocolate flavored with green tea, brandy, melon, pumpkin, salt, beans, soy, cherry, corn and even sake. One of the most interesting is what goes in the oven. Makes me want to try it…

6. Cucumber and Bacon Flavored Gum

5. Edible diamonds

4. Pumpkin flavored Oreo, beer, watermelon and cheeseburger

In addition to regular Oreo chocolate, Mondelez makes ice cream, pumpkin and cinnamon, mint, strawberry, coconut, peanut butter and jelly flavored cookies. In addition, there are special editions such as the beer, cheeseburger and watermelon flavored cookies, all without cocoa.

3. Chocolate with bacon, fungi and salt

The American company Vosges Haut-Chocolate produces truffled chocolates with pieces of bacon, fungi, grated ginger and wasabi, rose petals, seeds and other additives.

2. Vegetable flavored ice cream

The company Häagen-Dazs went further and launched an ice cream flavored with cherry, tomato, carrot and orange. A curious combination.

1. Snake bullet

This one surprises for its size: 2.44 meters long and 11.8 kg. A real anaconda of calories!

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