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What to do if the condom stays inside

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He preservative It is the 100% safe contraceptive method to protect yourself from Sexually Transmitted Diseases and one of the most effective to avoid unwanted pregnancies. Now, its effectiveness will always depend on the snack and the use made of it during sexual relations, and certain conditions can cause it to break and even remain inside the vagina if it is not removed properly at the end. intercourse. Pay attention to this oneHowTo article and discover how you should act in this last situation: what to do if the condom stays inside.

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Why can a condom stay inside the vagina? How to remove the condom from the vagina? Risk of unwanted pregnancy?

Why can a condom stay inside the vagina?

The possibility that the condom remains inside the vagina at the end of the sexual act is due to the fact that after ejaculation, the penis is no longer as erect and lose volume and firmness, the condom is usually large, which makes it easier for it to come off and remain inside the vagina if it is not removed immediately. Therefore, once intercourse is finished it is very important remove the condom when the penis is still erect and do it by holding the base of the condom to prevent it from moving and the sperm from coming out of it.

How to remove the condom from the vagina?

When the condom stays inside the vagina, the first thing you should do is relax, get into a comfortable position and try to remove it carefully if it is visible or palpable. Now, if it is impossible to remove the condom in this way, you must visit your gynecologist as soon as possiblewho, using an instrument called a speculum, will have excellent visibility of the entire vaginal cavity and will be able to remove the condom easily. Furthermore, this way you do not run the risk of the condom breaking and some particles remaining inside the vagina that end up causing irritation and infection by behaving like foreign bodies.

Risk of unwanted pregnancy?

Furthermore, as the condom remains inside the vagina, there is the possibility that it breaks and comes into direct contact with the sperm resulting from ejaculation, thus leaving it completely unprotected. Given this, it is essential to inform your doctor to take the necessary preventive measures to avoid a possible unwanted pregnancy.

To prevent situations like these from occurring or being repeated, it is advisable to resolve all doubts about the condom use and know well how it should be placed and handled at all times. We advise you to consult the following articles:

How to put on a condom correctlyWhat you should know about using condomsTips for using condoms

If you want to read more articles similar to What to do if the condom stays insidewe recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.

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