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Food is essential for the functioning of our body, including the brain. But what are the best foods for its functioning? Inside article!
Food is essential for the body: we need it to have energy. But, have you asked yourself What is the relationship between food and the brain? We have heard that some foods help us improve the functioning of neurons and others, on the contrary, affect their functioning.
In this article, we will try to show some of the components that promote brain functioning. Likewise, we will show the role that the brain plays in diet; for example, so that certain foods cause us pleasure. So, curious reader, we invite you to continue reading this article.
Relationship between nutrition and the brain
Recent research has shown the connection that nutrition has with proper brain performance. Among the first findings, it has been found that, like the body, a well-nourished brain develops its capabilities much better. Likewise, it was observed that The brain consumes approximately 20% of the energy we get from food.
Consuming the right foods neurochemical substances are obtained correct. These substances contribute to the strengthening of mental abilities. Among the main functions involved, we find: the ability to concentrate, carry out sensorimotor activities, be able to memorize information and stay motivated. Likewise, they can deactivate some substances that are harmful to stress and can help prevent pathological aging.
Among the main substances we find that amino acids are precursors of neuromediators or neurotransmitters. Likewise, the presence of some enzymes is necessary, which allow the synthesis of some nutrients. These, in turn, are related to the availability of macronutrients, trace elements and vitamins.
On the other hand, Fatty acids are essential for the integrity of neurons. Also, antioxidants are necessary. The use of all these substances is further proof of the relationship between food and the brain.
Likewise, it can be understood that the Lack of some of the substances can be a hindrance to the functioning of the neurotransmitter system. As a result, cognitive, emotional and behavioral functioning will be affected.
Food and the brain: how do some substances help?
We will start talking about one of the most studied neurotransmitters today, serotonin. This helps in adjusting mood and energy level. This substance is influenced by diet. This is especially due to the dependence on the absorption and intake of the amino acid tryptophan.
An amino acid that It is obtained through carbohydrates complex, like those found in pasta. The consumption of these substances contributes to adequate serotonin levels, thus reflecting the importance of nutrition and the brain.
On the other hand, we have the antioxidants. They help us slow down the degenerative process of neurons, taking charge of fighting free radicals. The latter cause slow energy production, the dendrites to shrink and the synapses to weaken. As a result, there is a reduction in the cell’s ability to communicate within them. From there, there is the need to consume vegetables, since they have a great presence of antioxidants.
Likewise, there is the b12 vitamin . Its functions include protein metabolism, formation of red blood cells, and maintenance of the central nervous system and proper brain function. This is usually found with the consumption of animal proteins such as fish, chicken, milk or dairy products.
Finally, we have the vitamin B6. This is of great importance for the functioning of the brain. Participates in the production of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. In addition, it promotes the correct functioning of these in the processes involved. It is usually found mainly in whole grains, fish, bananas, broccoli and potatoes.
How do saturated fats affect diet and brain?
As we know, Saturated fats are those we consume from foods that we fry and eat. Much of fast or processed food has these characteristics, which makes it common for us to consume this type of food. As we know, in the body the consumption of fat can do the following:
Damage the function of the arteries Increase body mass Generate imbalances in the body.
In the brain, these fats cause the membranes of neurons to become rigid and slow down communication. Likewise, they can influence the hormone insulin. This last condition causes poor use of glucose in the brain. As a result, it affects cognitive processes such as memory and learning new information.
How does the brain work when eating?
The human body presents a balance between the genes that regulate executive functions and those that intervene in the generation of strategies to obtain food and store it in the body. Therefore, During the feeding process, all five senses are involved.. These are associated, both in the selection of foods and in their energy benefit.
Likewise, there are two brain systems that regulate food consumption. First of all, we have the homeostatic system. It is responsible for obtaining a balance between the need for food and the amount we consume of it.
In this case, the hypothalamus It is one of the main structures involved. In it there are a series of cells, which promote the adequate food consumption. These cells not only affect the brain, but also the stomach. On the other hand, there is the arcuate nucleus, which promotes cells that promote the feeling of satiety. All this, in order to stop eating food, since it will not be useful for our functioning.
Secondly, there is the hedonic system. This participates to give the subject a subjective sensation of pleasure when eating foods that create some benefit in the body. In this system, the reinforcement system takes center stage, especially the ventral tegmental area and the nucleus accumbens. Here, what happens is the release of dopamine in this system. This causes a sensation of pleasure to develop in the subject while consuming food.
What other brain structures are involved in feeding?
In the previous section we explained the mechanisms that regulate hunger, satiety and pleasure. Even so, the moment we feed There are other brain structures that are involved in the process and help us with feeding.. Among these structures we find:
Amygdala and insula. These two structures are involved in food consumption. They collaborate in the perception of flavors and generate subjective sensations in which the person feels safe about the food they are eating. Likewise, they send these projections to the hypothalamus.prefrontal cortex. In this case, intervenes in the selection of foods that are more appetizing than others. Therefore, this is responsible for the motivation we obtain when consuming one food and not another.Thalamus. It is activated to inhibit the response to a presented stimulus. In this case, a food, which produces less reinforcement or turns out to be less appetizing than another stimulus.
The relationship between food and the brain is undeniable. As we know, this organ is the one that controls a large part of the body. Here, There is a reciprocal relationship in which, on the one hand, the brain intervenes significantly in the food ingestion process. On the other hand, the functioning of the brain depends on the nutrients we obtain.
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