Home » Life Advice » What is food neophobia? – GOOD SHAPE

What is food neophobia? – GOOD SHAPE

Have you ever heard of food neophobia? | (freepik/Freepik/Playback)

Neophobia is a term used to refer to the irrational fear or aversion to new things and experiences. It is often seen in children, who may be fearful of trying new foods or activities, but it can also occur in adults.

Food neophobia is a prevalent behavior in childhood because it is a period of tactile, gustatory and olfactory discoveries in which eating habits are formed, which occurs in the age group of two to five years and its long-term presence can lead to restriction the intake of nutrients necessary for the maintenance of body homeostasis

In this sense, the early identification of food neophobia allows adequate intervention, avoiding further damage to the child’s health, since this long-term behavior can affect physical, cognitive and psychosocial development.

To overcome food neophobia, exposure therapy can be used, which gradually introduces new experiences in a safe and controlled environment, focusing on healthy, happy, creative, fun, affective and pleasurable eating.

Answered by:

Dr. Sylvia Ramuth, director of medical support at Emagrecentro.

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