Werewolf Names.
Few fantastic beings have the degree of popularity of the Werewolves and, at the same time, such ignorance of their legends.
Indeed, much has been written about werewolves, but their true history remains a mystery. Simple, almost elementary issues, such as their most frequent proper names, are practically unknown.
This lack of knowledge about the names of the Werewolves is part of a long list of empty spaces around these creatures. In fact, there are very few known races of Werewolves, always in terms of folklore and legends, compared to other beings of the night, such as Vampires.
One can say Carmilla, Lilith, Lord Ruthven, and all fans of the gothic genre probably know that we are referring to vampire names. The opposite happens with the names of werewolves: Farkaskoldus, Melion, Cortaud, they sound good, but we hardly associate them with werewolves if we do not know each of those stories in particular.
Fortunately, we have at our disposal a large amount of literature and legends to account for some names of werewolves.
Let’s review the most interesting ones.
Norse mythology offers us some: Geri, Freki, Hati and Sköll are the most important. From German also come Adalwolf (noble wolf), Bjomolf (bear wolf), Bodolf (leading wolf), Eyolf (lucky wolf), Geirolf (wolf spear), Hrolleif (old wolf), Leidolf (descendant of wolves).
Roman legends predominantly speak of Larentia, the werewolf who suckled Romulus and Remus. From Latin, we must also mention Accalia (she-wolf).
From French comes Amoux (eagle wolf), Chanteloup (wolf song), Edon (Old French, wolf), Louvel (wolf cub).
From Old English: Ardwolf (hearth wolf), Bardalph (wolf axe), Bardou (bright wolf), Botewolf (herald of wolves), Botolf (messenger wolf), Ethelwulf (noble wolf), Friduwulf (wolf of peace ), Radolf (red wolf).
From Welsh: Bleddyn (wolf), Bleidd (she-wolf).
From Celtic myths: Conall (strong wolf), Connor (wolf lover), Convel (warrior wolf), Conwenna (wolf cub), Cuan (wolf cub), Faoiltiama (werewolf), Felan (wolf cub), Filtiarn (lord of wolves), Maccon (son of wolf).
Over time, if the topic is interesting, we will add more.
Wolfman. I Mythology.
More gothic literature:
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