Did you know that there are several personality types? Discover what the type B personality is and what these types of people are like
Personality is the set of characteristics that distinguish and characterize us as human beings. and that also predict, in some way, our behaviors and attitudes.
There are various approaches and theories to explain personality, but almost all of them focus on establishing different typologies. However, this does not mean that we belong 100% to a specific category, since it is normal for each of us to present characteristics belonging to one category or another. In this article, we will focus on the classification developed by cardiologists Rosenman and Friedman to explain type B personality. Let’s dig deeper.
“The variety of individual personalities is the greatest fortune in the world.”
– Julian Huxley –
Type B personality characteristics
The type B personality, which is framed as the healthiest and most common, is a pattern that is characterized by its flexibility and docility. They are calm, relaxed, empathetic, assertive people, open to social relationships and with a tendency toward emotional well-being. They are also characterized by being aware of their limitations and not being hostile.
Type B people are relaxed and calm, that is, They are not easily upset, since they have low levels of impulsivity and high in self-control.
Your communication style is assertive: express their opinion and feelings, both positive and negative, in an appropriate, respectful and non-aggressive way.
It is rare to see type B people in a hurry, since They enjoy what they do and take their time. They lead a quiet and regular life. If they are late, they take it easy and don’t get stressed. They feel comfortable focusing only on one idea or activity and often stop to evaluate their achievements and analyze their activities.
They tend to go to bed late and participate in recreational and sports activities. They know how to distribute and organize their time, therefore It seems like his days have more hours than everyone else’s.
Those who have type B personality traits They know how to listen and put themselves in someone else’s shoes.That is, they practice active listening and empathy. In addition, they like to help others and inspire action and social change.
“Man’s personality determines in advance the measure of his possible fortune.”
-Arthur Schopenhauer-
They feel satisfied with themselves, so they do not have the need to compete or feel superior to others. They tend to accept life as it is and let things take their course, since they are more interested in their personal well-being.
At work level, they combine creativity and effort; Therefore, despite being slower, they obtain higher recognition. Their motto is quality over quantity.
Type B people are warm and pleasant, that is, they have a temperate temperament. They are usually very loved, charismatic and kind to others, as they create a calm and relaxed atmosphere.
Sure of themselves
The type B personality stands out for its holy levels of self-esteem. They are people who trust themselves, know how to value themselves, in addition to setting certain limits and positioning themselves at a level of equality in relationships with others.
Associated diseases
The type B personality is ideal for maintaining health and avoiding illness, since it acts as a protective factor against stress and anxiety disorders.
People with type B personality perceive stressors as opportunities for change and they tend to regain balance after a crisis. In addition, it is the most balanced and the one that best adapts to any circumstance.
“Personality “is” and “does.” Personality is what is hidden behind specific acts and within the individual.”
-Gordon Allport-
Curiosities about personality types
If you become curious and want to investigate the other types of personalities such as A, C and D and the possible diseases or risk factors associated with them, remember the following:
You may feel identified with a specific type, but this does not mean that you are necessarily going to suffer from that type of disease. It will make you more vulnerable, yes. It is a risk factor. If you happen to know someone who suffers from that type of disease, you do not have to match that type of personality. We are talking about personal dispositions to suffer them, but it doesn’t work the other way around. Illnesses can be caused by many other factors. This classification of personalities it is not globalThat is, if you don’t feel identified with any of them, it’s very normal. They are just configurations that carry more risk.You might be interested…
All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Gutiérrez, JLG, Hernández, EG, & Jiménez, BM (2000). Resilient personality, burnout and health. Psychological Writings, (4), 64-77.Montemayor, VMP, Moreno, JAP, & González, AEA (2014). Type A or B personality patterns, work stress and psychophysiological correlates. Psychology and health, 16(1), 79-85.Moreno-Jiménez, B., Garrosa-Hernández, E., & Gálvez-Herrer, M. (2005). Positive personality and health. Health Psychology. Current research topics in Latin America, 59-76.
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