Doesn’t time heal all wounds? What they usually tell us is that it does. In this article we discuss what is true and false in this statement, in addition to the consequences of supporting it.
There are pains so deep that they tear the soul. It is as if we fell into a deep abyss with a hidden exit. In this context, what we are often told is that time heals all wounds, when this is not always the case.
Life has ups and downs, and each one in their uniqueness assumes them in a different way.. The truth is that, sometimes, it is difficult for us to overcome difficult situations because the sea of emotions overcomes us. So, we don’t know where to start.
AND, One way to accept the inconveniences that we are taught is that time heals everything. But it is not always true. Therefore, through this post we will show you various reasons. Join us on this journey!
“There are wounds that, instead of opening our skin, open our eyes.”
-Pablo Neruda-
Time does not heal all wounds, it hides them
After a painful wound, we tend to say “time healed it.” Now we wonder, was it really like that? When we let the second hand advance, maintaining a passive attitude, it is difficult for deep wounds to heal. Rather, the cut may be anesthetized, but not healed.
Why can this happen? It is possible that we do not want to see that pain; So, we prefer to fill ourselves with activities, not think about it, stay away from the stimuli that can rescue certain memories for the focus of consciousness. Also, It could be a masked emotion.. In this sense, pain does not have to manifest itself as sadness, it also frequently manifests itself as anger or even as euphoria.
Thinking that can help us get rid of our emotions and thoughts.
There are pains that have no name, it is a suffering that we cannot label, that slips when trying to translate it into words. In these cases, we can try to encapsulate it and send it to the deepest place of our memory.
We are talking about a defense mechanism. What it does is expel desires, feelings and thoughts from consciousness. According to Sigmund Freud, father of psychoanalysis, it is a way of making content that is unacceptable to us unconscious.
Time doesn’t run when we are passive
By granting time the healing power, we attribute a responsibility that corresponds to us to an external agent. We let events pile up on that book that we have to return to the library in the hope that the pile will erase it from psychic reality… just as it erases it from our sight.
The great danger of proceeding in this way is that That which is buried continues to erode our motivation, weigh down our will or penalize our objectives.. Thus, we can reach that point where it continues to hurt us, but without us being able to identify what hurts us because it has been buried.
On the other hand, what can happen is that by attributing time a leading role that it does not have (it is a mere scenario) it implies belittle or relegate those strategies that we were able to implement to shape those scars that we were able to generate.
This may be a obstacle to overcome future difficulties, to go to the rescue of strategies that were successful. It can also be a headwind for our self-esteem, undermining the foundations on which we could grow. In this way, the idea that time heals wounds can be one of our worst enemies, contaminating our way of proceeding on a psychic level when choosing coping strategies.
Let us be managers of change, people who accept pain, express it and transform or resignify it to carry resilience as our flag and thus have a higher quality of life.
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All cited sources were reviewed in depth by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, validity and validity. The bibliography in this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Riso, W. (2006). Cognitive therapy. Theoretical foundations and conceptualization of the clinical case. Spain: Paidós Editorial.