Home » Spiritual Work » Tiger mosquito bite: difference from that of a “normal” mosquito and how long it lasts

Tiger mosquito bite: difference from that of a “normal” mosquito and how long it lasts

Aedes albopictus, commonly known as tiger mosquitois considered the mosquito most dangerous in the world. Not so much because of the immediate effects of their bites, but rather because of what that bite can cause. And this insect can be a carrier of dangerous diseases for humans, so it can be a dangerous transmitter of dengue, chikungunya fever, zika and malaria. Let’s get to know this insect better that is increasingly widespread in Spain.

How to differentiate a mosquito bite from a tiger mosquito bite?

The easiest way to know if what has bitten you is a tiger mosquito is, without a doubt, to see it in action. If you see the mosquito, look for black and white stripes. This characteristic is what gives it its name, since It has a striped body like a tiger.. In case you don’t see the insect that bit you, there are some details that help you differentiate if it was this mosquito or another.

That being said, finding the difference between a mosquito bite and a tiger mosquito bite It is sometimes complicated, since in both cases the symptoms will be the same: swelling, redness, itching and relief on the skin. Of course, there are some characteristics that can help you differentiate it. For example, the tiger mosquito can sting through clothing (the common one is not), so if you are wearing long sleeves or pants and you get a bite, it is very likely to be from a tiger mosquito.

Another detail that can tell you that it is a tiger bite is that these insects They attack all day, while the common one does it more at night. Furthermore, it is likely that the bite it hurts a little more than normal and until it causes more allergic reaction. And finally, if you see that you have more than one bite in the same areathe tiger mosquito needs to bite several times a day, it will take advantage of the opportunity if we make it easy for it.

What do I do if a tiger mosquito bites me?

In principle, the reaction to a tiger mosquito bite is similar to that of a normal mosquito, so the remedies to alleviate its effects can be the same. In addition to the creams and gels that you can find in pharmacies, there are some home remedies that can help you get rid of the discomfort triggered by the bite.

The first thing is clean the area with soap and waterLet’s remember that what causes the reaction is the mosquito’s saliva, so the sooner we cleanse the skin, the better. Next, you can apply some home remedies made with plants. You can apply some directly, rubbing a fresh leaf over the bite. You can do it with basil or thyme. Others, such as infusions, such as applying the chamomile sachet. He aloe vera It is also effective and, if you do not have any of these plants, you can always resort to baking soda and water mixture or to one ice pack.

A woman with a tiger mosquito bite on her arm.


How dangerous is the tiger mosquito?

The animal itself is not dangerous, because its bites alone do not produce any major reaction, unless you have an allergy. What is dangerous, as we have already mentioned previously, is that that tiger mosquito that has bitten you was a carrier of any disease that affects people.

What causes the tiger mosquito?

Like any mosquito, the tiger can cause swelling, redness and a small bump on the skinwhich comes accompanied with the itching, which is what’s really annoying. In some people it can cause allergies, in those cases it is better to go to a medical center to assess which medication is appropriate.

If the mosquito has transmitted to you any of the diseases that they can carry, as soon as possible symptoms appear, it is advisable to go to the doctor immediately.

How many times can a tiger mosquito bite you?

A tiger mosquito needs several bites a day to supply itself. It must be remembered that it is the females that sting, since they need it to lay their eggs. The males do not bite. In total, the female tiger mosquito can bite between 10 and 15 times a day.

How long does a tiger mosquito bite last?

At the moment of the bite you may not even realize it, but it is later when the reaction to the mosquito’s saliva produces swelling, redness and itching in the area of ​​the bite, and these symptoms can last for several days.

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