(Dani Borges/Instagram playback)
Unfortunately, conquering the so-called “six pack abs” is not easy. In fact, you have to face facts: the goal may be virtually impossible for some. “This happens due to the biological individuality of each person — some are more likely to lose or accumulate fat in certain parts of the body”, explains the nutritionist Dani Borgeshealth coach and physical educator.
In addition, even with training focused on the region and proper nutrition, it is not possible to determine which part of the body will “dry”. That’s because the slimming process occurs in the body as a whole.
If even with all the bad news, you’re still determined to do well in the “flat belly” project, the expert explains how it should work. “To get a six-pack, the first step is to start building muscle under the belly fat layer through resistance training (weight training),” she says.
Exercises need to be concentrated on muscle hypertrophy in the region, improving tone and reducing flaccidity. But it doesn’t stop there: there’s no point in having a well-strengthened abdomen, but covered by a fat strip.
Therefore, food should be aimed at reducing body fat. “That way, you start to see the muscles that have been hypertrophied”, says Dani Borges. According to her, what you eat is the main factor in getting six pack abs. “The phrase ‘abs are built in the kitchen’ is 100% true.”
“Focus on food”; “Keep bodybuilding up to date: I advise you to distribute training so that you can work your abdomen two to three times a week — with three or four series and three to five exercises per session”; “Increase your consumption of lean proteins, such as fish, low-fat meats, chicken and eggs; “Avoid sugar, fried, industrialized and processed foods”; “Drink plenty of water: about 35ml for every pound of body weight per day.”
As a bonus, the physical educator even recommends a series for you to add to your next workouts:
– (Dani Borges/Disclosure)
– (Dani Borges/Disclosure)
– (Dani Borges/Disclosure)
Straight abdominals (hands outstretched)
– (Dani Borges/Disclosure)
“Perform one exercise after another, without breaks. The rest (of 30 seconds) is only after the whole circuit, which must be repeated three or four times.”
Beginner: Perform 10 to 12 repetitions of each exercise;
Intermediary: Perform 12 to 15 repetitions of each exercise;
Advanced: Perform 15 to 20 repetitions of each exercise.