After many ups and downs, after feeling like a ship adrift, after going through the storms of love, after longing to one day find the love of my life, I finally found him… The love of my life is me. I have learned to love myself, to take care of myself, to respect myself; I have learned to talk to myself about my mistakes and mistakes, forgiving myself without resentment…
So it is that I think I have found the perfect partner, I… and I say it without pretensions, only as a way of explaining to myself that I have achieved a beautiful, stable and healthy love relationship with the deepest part of my being…
Because I am a half orange who does not need the other half to feel complete, because Each one of us is already complete if we achieve peace and happiness with ourselves and with what we do, without the need to seek the love or approval of others…
Because I no longer need to look pretty to make someone fall in love with me; because now I keep getting ready, yes, but for myself And if someone fixes their gaze on me, then all the better… as long as it is to make each other happy, without more mysteries or more stories… Do you want to be happy, continue this long path that is life… with me? Yes, well me too…”
“We all know that self-esteem comes from what you think of yourself, not from what others think of you.”
-Gloria Gaynor-
love begins in you
First and foremost, We have to be sure of ourselves, love ourselves with our defects and our virtues; It doesn’t matter that there are others prettier, more intelligent or with more charisma than us…
Each one is unique and unrepeatable and that is where our greatness lies, there and in wanting to improve ourselves on the inside and, why not, on the outside; Being flirtatious is not bad as long as we do not do it out of the obsession of wanting to please everyone, by the insecurity that is based on believing that we are not worth enough or on the insecurity that is sustained by complexes, complexes that make us focus all our attention on them and leave aside all the good things we have.
Enough already! Be happy with who you are and you will reflect that and carry it around the world as a flag… And in this case I would like to cite an example that may now be in fashion due to a Spanish television program…
“You’ve criticized yourself for years and it hasn’t worked. Try to approve yourself and see what happens”
-Louis L. Hay-
Love yourself just the way you are
Do you remember the shy Laura Pausini at the beginning of her career?… She was always wrapped in frock coats. Recently she herself said, laughing, something like: “When I started my managers wanted to simulate my hips and my ass with those horrible frock coats… Long live the ass!” and so naturally and without artifice she confesses it, and awakens the applause of an audience that adores her, why?
Because she is nice, charismatic, natural and talkative… she doesn’t need to have a perfect ass or face to be a deeply attractive woman who captivates you; She is happy just the way she is… and this is how the public perceives it. So why don’t we do the same and we’re not like her and so many other screen stars, all day long being watched by everyone?
Is Joaquín Sabina the most handsome man in the world? Well, as he himself says: “I’m not there anymore, I’m older… with what I’ve been like!”, he has liked and continues to like many women because he has known how to love himself just as he is and that is understood.
So it is that Why don’t we start being the love of our lives, loving ourselves and being happy with who we are? You dare?
“Before telling someone that we love them, we have to learn to say ‘I love myself’”
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