When grandmothers participate in raising their grandchildren, the child is likely to grow up with many memories of joy, security, and comfort. Maybe you’ve never stopped to think if there is any difference in the influence caused by maternal and paternal grandmothers. According to experts, there is something very special that we receive from our maternal grandmothers, in addition to love and affection.
O awesome.club analyzed some theories about the maternal grandmother’s role in a child’s life. Read on and check out what we found.
What do we share with our grandparents?
Genes are basically inheritance units made up of DNA. According to genetics, grandparents share an average of 25% of their DNA with their grandchildren, with the exact percentage depending on the DNA exchange. We inherit genes from both our grandfathers and grandmothers, that’s a fact. But, according to some scholars, it is the maternal grandmothers who exert the most influence on the offspring.
Our grandmothers give us something special
Maternal grandmothers have a more direct connection to grandchildren as they give birth to mothers, who in turn give birth to children. In many families, maternal grandmothers tend to be more responsible for the children, spending more time with them. It’s not just the psychological connection that makes the role of maternal grandmothers so important: some theories suggest that, genetically speaking, maternal and paternal grandmothers affect grandchildren unequally.
Scientific theories prove that there is a strong genetic link between maternal grandmothers and their grandchildren.
One theory claims that differences in the way maternal and paternal grandmothers connect with grandchildren can be explained through the X chromosome. Maternal grandmothers have a 25% relationship with this chromosome, both in relation to grandchildren and granddaughters, whereas paternal grandmothers transmit one of the X chromosomes to their granddaughters but not to their grandchildren. This makes paternal grandmothers 50% related to granddaughters and 0% to grandchildren.
Another theory suggests that the so-called “paternal uncertainty” can greatly influence grandparents’ desire to care for their grandchildren. The father’s uncertainty means that men may not be sure that they are raising their own children, since they were not the ones who gave birth. Long-term, the participation of paternal relatives, including grandmothers, in children’s education may decrease🇧🇷 At the same time, a woman is always sure that she has given birth to her own child, which makes the matriarchal connection stronger in a family for several generations.
Other theories suggest the unique role of the maternal grandmother
This theory, developed by the Chilean novelist, essayist and playwright Alejandro Jodorowsky, suggests that, of all four grandparents, we are most closely linked to our maternal grandmothers. According to his theory, our genes can “skip” a generation and pass directly from our grandparents to us. This would be evidenced by the fact that many people look more like their grandparents than their parents. Jodorowsky believes that, in addition to biological material, mothers transmit emotions to daughters, who in the future transmit them to their sons.
The theories we’ve just shared with you reveal the essential role the maternal grandmother plays in a child’s life. However, we must remember that we are all different, and each family creates its own bonds and relationships.
The important thing is that we are grateful for the love, affection and wisdom that our grandfathers and grandmothers give us, regardless of our genetic relationship.
What do you think of these theories? Do you have a special bond with your maternal or paternal grandmother? Leave your comment!