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The 9 main reasons why your ex talks to you like nothing happened

A breakup is an opportunity to start over. But sometimes it can happen that your ex talks to you as if nothing happened.

Confused, right?

Is it just your imagination or does he still have feelings for you?

Next we will see what are the possible reasons why it acts that way.

And I will also help you detect the signs that your ex is attached to you.

Understanding what’s going on will help you move on after the breakup and better know how to deal with it.

9 reasons why your ex talks to you like it’s nothing

1) You feel guilty

There are many reasons why a relationship may not work: love ends, many arguments, both evolve at different rates, a third party appears, or whatever you can imagine.

The truth is that when you are in a relationship you create a deep connection with the other person.

Beyond the differences they may have, surely you have been important to him.

So separating is not an easy process.

It is possible that he knows how much you still care and if he is the one who decided to end the relationship, he could talk to you as if nothing had happened because he feels guilty.

He doesn’t want you to suffer and so he stays close to make sure you’re okay.

Or maybe the thought that he hurt you is too much for him and he unconsciously chooses to deny it.

2) He still has issues to resolve with you

Your ex may be a pragmatic person. If they still have things to resolve to close the relationship, it is possible that he talks to you as if nothing had happened because he is focused on solving the pending issues.

Maybe they shared a dog, or lived together and have to divide their belongings. Then he could talk to you and call you as if nothing had happened to coordinate the days and times and finish separating.

He just wants to close the chapter and he’s gotten a little cold so he can do it as quickly as possible.

One of the most difficult moments in life is when you are on the road to separation, suddenly you feel that the other person no longer wants to continue and that hurts.

At that moment everything seems to collapse. And the more you try to fix things, the more you drift away from him.

Samantha Sanderson developed a method that makes everything go back to normal. This method makes your partner see you again with the same eyes as at the beginning and is convinced that YOU are the woman to whom he belongs.

If you want to re-ignite the spark that used to exist between you, watch this video to learn the secrets and techniques that will make you create a much stronger and deeper bond. They will not have the same relationship as before, but a much more committed and happy one.

3) He wants to hide his broken heart

For many it is difficult to be vulnerable.

It could be that you have decided to end the relationship and he has been very hurt and sad.

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His hurt ego makes him behave as if nothing happened, so you don’t realize how much he is suffering.

He wants to hide and show himself strong in front of you.

4) He hopes to get back with you

Another major reason why your ex boyfriend might just talk to you like it’s nothing is because he hasn’t accepted the breakup.

He could be thinking that it is something temporary, and that is why he continues in contact with you as if nothing had happened.

He somehow denies the fact that they are no longer together because deep down he wants everything to go back to the way it was before.

If you feel that this is what is happening, it is important that you be clear with him to avoid further hurting him.

5) He wants to keep you as option B

Some people just can’t be alone.

It could be that your ex is clear that he does not want to be in a relationship with you anymore, but the simple idea of ​​being alone terrifies him.

He talks to you as if nothing had happened, because you are his escape plan, in case he needs to return to a comfortable and familiar place.

He wants to try new horizons but he doesn’t dare to let go.

Don’t let him take advantage of your good heart, move on so he too will learn to move towards his independence.

6) He wants to know if you still care

Some men have a very powerful ego.

They may forget that they are dealing with a person with feelings and emotions and act inconsiderately just to feel better about themselves.

Your ex could be talking to you as if nothing had happened, because his self-esteem asks him to confirm that you still love him.

Once he makes sure you still care, he goes about his business and goes back to ignoring you.

This attitude is nothing more than a sample of his insecurities and a selfish personality.

7) He wants to be friends

Some relationships start first with a friendship. Then the closeness and frequent contact make one thing lead to another, they feel attracted and suddenly they get involved in a relationship without having planned it.

But sometimes things don’t turn out as expected and it’s hard to stop seeing someone we’ve cared so much about. They shared a lot, they were supportive, and he may not want to let all of that go.

Maybe he really wants to keep you as his friend, because he cares a lot about you, but has understood that they don’t work as a couple.

It is important that you evaluate your emotions and whether enough time has passed to reconnect in that way.

8) You are a reference for him

Perhaps you have helped him in the past with very important matters and because of this he values ​​your opinion very much.

Now they have separated but he still needs your wise advice.

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It is possible that you were a good listener and that therefore he has you as a reference to resolve certain issues. He talks to you like it’s nothing, but only when something is wrong in his life? So chances are he’s putting you in a counseling position.

Consider how this makes you feel. You have no responsibility with him, so if he makes you uncomfortable, you should tell him and set a limit.

9) He is attached to you

Loving someone is one thing, but becoming attached to that person is quite another.

If your ex acts like he’s nothing with you, it’s possible that he still hasn’t made up his mind to letting you go.

Does he write or call you to ask you unnecessary questions? Does he invite you out for coffee or meet like friends?

So, it is clear that he has the need to keep in touch with you.

Being in a couple makes our lives change a lot. We adapt our schedules to be able to spend time with each other and little by little our routine changes. So when a relationship ends it can be difficult to return to independence and fill those spaces that you filled before.

It is likely that he is attached to you and that’s why he still talks to you like it’s nothing.

What are the signs that your ex is still attached to you?

1) Has “do you remember when…?” conversations with you

When you talk to your ex, does he constantly mention the old days?

A little nostalgia can be normal after a long relationship, but too much can indicate that he still has feelings for you.

Someone who is constantly thinking about the past and regretting how things turned out, saying “we should have done…” is likely to regret their choices.

Your ex may bring up old times to see how you react. A positive reaction from you would show him that you are still connected to him too.

2) He contacts you for no reason

There are many reasons your ex may need to talk to you, but if you start to feel like he’s constantly contacting you for no good reason, it may be because he’s still interested.

Random texts asking for a recipe or sending you a funny meme too often are signs that your ex is attached to you.

Frequent contact with your ex shows that your opinion still matters to him. It is a clear indicator of attachment.

This type of behavior also means that your ex is looking for any reason to get back to you.

3) Frequent accidental calls or texts

Everyone has mistakenly missed a call or drunk text at one time or another. But if this happens constantly, it may be a sign of something else.

It could mean that your ex can’t find a logical reason to call or text you, but still wants to keep in touch.

This is particularly telling if these texts or calls come when your ex has had too much to drink. When his inhibitions loosen and his guard is down, are you the first person he thinks of? That means they still like you!

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4) Date someone who could be your twin

Did your ex start dating again?

Take a close look at your new partner. Is he a bit like you?

If his new girlfriend looks like a copy of you or has quite a few similarities with you, then your ex is still attached.

Sometimes people try to replace something they love with something “just the same” or at least as close as possible. A new partner who is just like you can be an indicator that he is still attached to you.

5) Or it doesn’t come out at all

On the contrary, if you know that your ex is not coming out of his den at all, it is another of the signs that he still loves you.

Of course, everyone needs a little time to get over a breakup, but if it’s been months or years and he’s still not ready to rebuild his life, he may still feel a strong bond with you.

If you have happily moved on, then you simply need to give him more time to work out his feelings. If you’re still having trouble moving on, consider reviewing the reason for your breakup.

6) He moved too fast

Another sign that your ex may still want to be with you is if they are moving on fast and furious.

I mean, he’s dating a lot of different girls, but he’s not really settling down with any of them.

This can be a sign of attachment because your ex wants someone to hang out with, but isn’t willing to commit.

His feelings for you are simply too strong to allow him to have a new girlfriend.

If you are convinced that breaking up was a mistake and that you really should be together. I have a good new for you.

Relationship coach Samantha Sanderson has created a method through which she helps women get their ex-partners back.

This method makes your Ex think of you and be convinced that YOU are the woman to whom he belongs.

Here is the LINK to a short presentation of this method that will surprise you.

7) Has attitudes that seek to make you jealous

If their social media accounts make you feel a little jealous, this could be intentional.

Do you feel like their photos and hashtags are directed at you? If the posts she posts are clearly aimed at making you jealous, there may be another motive behind her posts.

Don’t get too hung up on this, just pay attention to see if it might be the case.

The best way to deal with this is to just stop looking. You don’t need to track your ex’s actions online. Ignore him and the jealousy will subside. If you feel like you can’t handle it, maybe unfollowing it for a while is a good idea.

8) Try to have conversations with you

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