Succulents They like soil rich in nutrients and with little water.
Photo: Getty Images
Thanks to the plump, liquid-filled leaves, succulent plants can withstand spending all day in the sun and remain as beautiful as an orchid out of the greenhouse.
This is not the only trick of these plants, which are typical of Africa and have more than 12,000 species around the world. Sisters of the cactus, they usually have thorns or a kind of fluff on the leaves, which retain as much moisture as possible.
cultivation tips
Prepare the soil: Succulents like nutrient-rich soil with little water. Mix three parts of sand to one part of vegetable land and add organic fertilizer. Line the pots with a 3 cm layer of pebbles. Never leave the dish soggy. The pots cannot be deep, because the succulent has short roots.
Water: Once a week in summer and every 15 days in winter. Never leave standing water in the vase. In addition to dengue fever, excessive humidity rots the roots of the plant.
Expose to light: The vast majority of succulent species need a lot of sun to survive. Native to dry – almost desert – regions, these plants die in the shade. To make it easier, we divided the succulents into three groups, according to their need for sunlight.
to make seedlings
1. Prepare pots with the soil mixture described in the cultivation tips.
2. Take a single leaf from the original plant.
3. Place this leaf in the soil of the new pot and sink it half a centimeter, being careful not to damage it.
4. Water carefully so as not to remove the leaf from the earth.
5. In a couple of weeks, shoots appear on the leaf.
6. In 1 month, the seedling is ready to be transplanted.