Home » Guidance » Strong women would rather stay single than waste time with people who don’t deserve them.

Strong women would rather stay single than waste time with people who don’t deserve them.

As bizarre as it sounds, some people still turn up their noses in front of a convinced single woman. And also because of this, many women end up staying in toxic relationships that cause unhappiness, as they are afraid of loneliness and, worse, criticism (explicit or veiled) from society. However, part of the female ward prefers singleness to be more able to invest time in themselves, although this decision often requires a daily struggle. We’re talking about strong women, those who know what they want and don’t compromise when it comes to their own well-being.

O awesome.club decided to go deeper into the subject, bringing a list of reasons why “alpha females” often prefer to remain single. Follow!

1. Strong women are always a priority, never an option

Nowadays, women know how to enjoy the company provided by themselves instead of devoting time to some man who clearly does not deserve them. They know that they always need to be the priority for an eventual partner, and never a simple option. Girls like that are not satisfied next to someone who only treats them well when they want to get something in return, and not to make them feel loved, protected and emotionally valued.

2. Strong women invest in their own growth

Today’s women have no problem staying single for a period of time, especially when they are dedicated to keeping their attention on themselves and their personal and professional evolution. First, they consider that personal development and professional success are important parts of improving their lives today. Therefore, setting aside time to take courses or seek a promotion at work are among the reasons why they do not consider an emotional commitment as a priority.

3. Strong women refuse to be with a man who expects them to stop being themselves.

They don’t need a man telling them what clothes to wear or trying to change them into something they’re not. Contemporary women are not afraid to enjoy their own company. For them, enjoying a little solitude is much better than being with a person who doesn’t admire them the way they are, flaws included.

4. Strong women don’t accept the idea of ​​wasting time with bad company

Between enjoying a good dinner or a movie without anyone else’s company and being with a man who is only with her out of obligation and not pleasure, the independent woman doesn’t hesitate to stick with the first option. The same goes for men who have nothing in common with her.

5. Strong women would rather sleep alone than wake up next to a stranger

They have no problem going to sleep and waking up with no one next to them, instead of waking up in the morning with a man they don’t even recognize – even if they previously thought they knew well. When the man becomes different from the one they fell in love with or turns into an outsider who means nothing to them, independent girls stop feeling emotionally aroused.

6. Strong women aren’t afraid to fail

They know that making mistakes is part of life. All misconceptions are a lesson that teaches us something about ourselves, helping with personal evolution. But, if there is a mistake that strong women do not accept to make, it is staying with a man who begs for love and attention, or who deceives them with empty promises, revealing himself to be eternally immature.

7. Strong women do not allow to be treated as an object

The independent woman does not accept being with a man who only sees her appearance and treats her as an object, not as a person who deserves to be loved and desired. She needs a guy who not only connects with her body, but also with her mind and soul.

8. For these women, the “ideal” man needs to know how to talk about problems

They are not interested in men who, despite being physically present during discussions, ignore their partner, implying that everything she says is unimportant. A guy who doesn’t respect the woman’s ideas, opinions and attitudes, trying to make his partner change her mind about what is right or wrong and with whom it is impossible to have constructive conversations, does not draw the slightest attention from them.

9. Strong women aren’t afraid to cry, they’re afraid of being hurt by the wrong man

Tears don’t make a woman less strong. On the other hand, the girl who knows what she wants would never accept staying with a man who didn’t mind hurting her feelings. A partner who doesn’t treat her with the same love, respect and consideration that she offers, and who prefers to make up excuses and false promises when things go wrong, ends up being discarded.

10. Strong women know how to enjoy being single

The strong woman knows that she can trust herself and that this is enough to face life’s mishaps. For women like this, being single is not synonymous with feeling lonely or depressed, but with having more time to dedicate to yourself, friends, the long-awaited trips and personal development. They love freedom and don’t give it up for just any guy.

11. Strong women want strong men

Even the strongest women have moments of weakness. And, when we share life with someone, we hope to have a person by our side capable of reading between the lines, seeing that, however much the partner is transmitting the idea of ​​strength, she may be feeling hurt. The man needs to be brave enough to love her for who she is with all her strengths and weaknesses. Fiber girls don’t look for men who feel intimidated by their presence. They look instead for guys who help them become better versions of themselves.

Did you identify with any topic in this post? In your opinion, what other aspects of life might make a woman prefer to be single? Comment!

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