For people who like an alternative style, tongue piercing can be a way to differentiate and complement looks. Because it is a piercing, this piercing needs some care. To solve the main doubts about this application, body piercer Nickoli Caldas explains what are the ideal types of piercing for this region, she answers the most frequent questions and brings care tips after piercing.
Types of tongue piercing
There are many tongue piercing options on the market and, according to body piercer, “some are not recommended, either by professionals or dentists, as they can cause damage to oral health”. For this reason, check out the professional’s drilling indications:
Middle tongue piercing: traditional application, in the center of the tongue.
Venom piercing: almost the same as the traditional application, but there are two piercings in the two muscles of the tongue, one next to the other.
Applications that can cause damage are not forbidden to be placed, but if you want a safer hole, following the tips of the professionals can be a great idea. To prepare you even more for the moment, check out some frequently asked questions answered by the professional.
Most common questions about tongue piercing answered by the specialist
It is very common to have questions in mind before getting a new piercing, so the professional answered some of the main questions related to tongue piercing, check it out:
Women’s Tips – Does it hurt to get a tongue piercing?
Nickoli Caldas: this is a very common question among people who want to make this type of application. But while most people find tongue piercings painful, they are one of the least painful.
What is the average price for tongue piercing?
First of all, it is important to remember that the values can change a lot according to the chosen professional. However, the average of applications with titanium jewelry varies from R$ 120.00 to R$ 250.00 nowadays. In this case, titanium is the best material for this type of drilling.
How is the healing?
The beginning of the healing process is marked by a more inflammatory phase. It starts at the exact moment of the injury and lasts about three days. Thus, sensations of redness, heat, swelling and pain are the result of the cellular and biochemical response at the site. In the second phase of the process, which can take a few weeks, the main features are the formation of granulation tissue, which are the husks.
Finally, the maturation phase is characterized by the organized deposition of collagen. In the healing process, this phase is of greatest clinical importance, as it is when the wound receives the most support. This final phase begins twenty-one days after the injury, and can last up to a year.
How long does it take to heal?
Healing time varies from person to person. But normally it can take 4 to 10 months.
What are the risks of tongue piercing?
Like any invasive procedure, tongue piercing has risks if the necessary care is not taken. Among the main risks, infection by contaminated procedure is the most common and happens because of the lack of care after application. There is also a risk of bleeding and even swallowing the top (the ball) if it is not fastened properly.
For applications that are not recommended, such as snake eyes, it is possible to break the front teeth, loss of sensitivity at the tip of the tongue, tear the skin, gingival retraction and inability to move the muscles independently of the tongue.
What can you eat after application?
It is important to know which foods are most suitable after piercing. In this case, foods rich in vitamin C, liver, red meat, milk, eggs, coconut water, natural juices, cereals, tomato, mango, beetroot, açaí and strawberry are foods that should be eaten frequently during the healing period.
How long after application can you kiss?
As it is a place that needs serious care not to ignite, the fluid exchange can only be done after 3 weeks, so there is no risk of contamination.
If you still have doubts, don’t hesitate to ask your trusted professional before drilling. In addition, stay on top of care tips for those who want to get a tongue piercing.
Tongue piercing care
Caldas explains that tongue piercing care begins after application and some of them need to be maintained even after the healing period. See the list of guidelines divided between periods after application and after healing:
Care after application
- Avoid solid, hot and spicy foods for the first 24 hours;
- Avoid smoking;
- Do not change fluids for at least 3 weeks to avoid infections;
- Speak only what is necessary, as the movement of the tongue makes the swelling last longer;
- Use a new toothbrush;
- Brush your mouth after every meal and use alcohol-free mouthwash.
Care after healing
- Go to the return, which will be scheduled by your piercer, to change the rod for a shorter one. This procedure is called ‘downsize’ and serves to make the jewelry more comfortable to the perforation, preventing the angle from changing over time;
- Do daily oral brushing;
- Change toothbrushes every 3 months.
Now that you know all the care needed to have a piercing like this, check out tips on where to buy jewelry to decorate your tongue.
Where can you buy tongue piercing
At the time of application, you must take into account the guidelines of the responsible professional and use the jewelry most indicated by him. However, after healing, at the time of return mentioned by the body piercer previously, you can take your jewelry to perform the exchange.
However, Nickoli recommends that the purchase of jewelry for updating be done only with professionals who perform this procedure, since the jewelry must be accompanied by a report of origin. This avoids several risks that can be caused by the lack of biocompatibility of stainless steel jewelry and costume jewelry with the human body. Therefore, the most suitable material, both for perforations and for upgrades, is titanium.
With these tips, you’ll soon be adding a dash of style to your tongue piercing! Take advantage that you haven’t done the application yet and check out some videos about people who have this piercing in the next topic.
Experiences of those who have a tongue piercing
It is very important to check reports from people who have gone through the moment of applying tongue piercing. Check out the selection of videos with important tips and warnings:
Tongue piercing tips, prices and healing
The youtuber answers questions and comments on how her tongue piercing healed. She brings up tips she didn’t get when she got her piercing, which was over 10 years ago. In addition, she advises on forms of care that can help a lot after application. Finally, she comments on some drilling prices in the region where she lives.
Experience of someone who has had his tongue pierced three times
In the video, Lara tells about her experience with 3 tongue piercings and comments about the post-application period, in which she used lots of ice and brine to help heal. She also talks about the amount she paid in the application and guides you to perform the hole with a professional so you don’t take risks.
A painful experience with tongue piercing
Iris reveals her painful experience with the tongue piercing. She comments that she does not regret the application, but says that the process was complicated. She talks about the medications she had to use to ease the pain, what it was like to eat and the swelling on her tongue. Check out!
They’ve been through the whole process and now it’s your turn! Regardless of your choice, here are some tongue piercing images and all the style that this application brings to your mouth area.
8 tongue piercing photos that will make you fall in love with this piercing
Among the perforations indicated by the professional, the following selection brings 8 photos for you to check how the jewelry looks on the tongue. Choose your favorite piercing style, see:
1. Tongue piercing will enhance your personality
2. And it will be very successful in the exchange of kisses
3. You can choose the traditional hole, the middle tongue
4. Or apply two at once, the venom tongue
5. There are jewelry for all tastes
6. And why not make both hole shapes?
7. Just be sure to get the procedure done with a professional
8. Avoid trouble and innovate your style with a new tongue piercing
Very stylish, right? If you want to apply the tongue piercing, go for it! Always remember to perform the drilling with qualified professionals so as not to face serious problems. Take the opportunity to also see the piercing of the mouth piercing. Who knows, you might decide to apply it too!