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Spotlight: the value of journalism

Spotlight is a film that reminds us of real cinema. The important thing is the story, and it is the actors who, servile to it, end up shining and giving life to a film that, in addition to having won two Oscars, is above all worth it.

Here’s a story and everyone is going to find out. Carpets that have not been lifted for a long time become large stores of dust, from which trucks come out when we step on them. spotlight It is a fabulous film, because in its way of narrating it maintains its commitment to cinema, but also to the profession it represents.journalism, and with the events that it brings to life on the big screen.

The carpet that shakes the Boston Globe newsroom is one that, with its bright colors, appears immaculate. We talk about the Church as an institution. A Church with enormous influence in the community (Massachusetts, Boston, 2002) in which the events take place. It is a backbone element of the community, with a role so transcendent in society that many think it is better to look the other way, when crimes are committed under its umbrella, including sexual abuse of children.

“A free press keeps powerful institutions in check.”


Recognized by critics

It is difficult to highlight the best of spotlighta film that works so well as a set. The actors are up to the task, the script is clean, the shots are well cut and the scenes follow one another fluidly, without any secondary stories in the middle that cloud the central thread. The film is sincere with the viewer from the first moment and carries this commitment to the end.

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spotlight received the Oscar for best film in 2015, ahead of tapes as solid as The Revenant or the bridge of spies or the shocking The room. It was also recognized for its script, ahead of works as original as Inside Out. Awards that don’t say everything, but they do suggest that this is a film that deserves a chance.

“If you are a poor child, from a poor family, and a priest pays attention to you, you feel very special. How do you say no to God?”


Start point

The chips fall on the table. An investigative team that works freely within the structure of the prestigious The Boston Globe. It is made up of a director (Michael Keaton) leading Mark Ruffalo, Rachel McAdams and Brian d’Arcy James. Also coming into play are an assistant editor (John Slattery playing Ben Bradlee Jr.) and a new editor (Liev Schreiber playing Marty Baron).

It will be precisely the newcomer, Baron, who will direct the team’s attention to the sexual abuses that are occurring in the Church with the knowledge of religious people who occupy high positions in the hierarchy. From now on, The cameras turn towards those people who could have done something and did not do itwho remained silent or contributed to it not being broken.

From psychology, one detail draws attention. The film is an example of how, On many occasions, it is an external element that lights the fuse that changes everything.. For example, in abusive situations, this element is usually a close experience. In the case of the film, the change comes with the new editor: a person who has grown up far from the control posts that the Church has in that community.

Spotlight, a film that changed the course of history

“Unlike what happens in Spain, in the United States, since the Spotlight case, the bishops do collect and publish the data. In fact, the Pennsylvania report had the collaboration of the six dioceses involved.”


If we look for a figure, we will find that Around the world there are almost 100,000 victims of clerical pedophilia who have been recognized as such.. This is without taking into account all the cases in which there is reasonable doubt or that have not even come to light. The hardest part of this is perhaps the silence, complicity and permissiveness that has existed in many cases: the fear of the Church itself to account for its own sins, to recognize itself as human when the majority of society already recognizes it as such.

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We have come a long way, We have perhaps broken the thickest layer, but there are still many cases to uncover. And not because of revenge or lack of faith; just so that they do not happen again, so that the victims feel supported and supported with respect to an aggressor, so that No institution thinks that it can gain more by covering up or covering up than by denouncing and promoting the application of the law..

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