Spell to make a man beg you.
By Athena Helenaus.
Domination spells are not really effective when practiced without clear intentions and great determination.
But compared to those articles in women’s magazines that promise to spark interest in men by saying “be yourself” or “focus on yourself,” they are almost as effective as a glass of water in quenching thirst.
Do not be fooled.
Of course there are spells to awaken the interest of men but ALL of them work for a time, that is, their strength is superficial and only temporary.
So be careful.
In these cases it is best to combine a good spell to awaken interest with another that acts on us, opening our mind and intuition.
I am convinced that the best way to capture and sustain a man’s interest is by understanding what that man secretly desires in a woman.
No spell will make you irresistible, if anything, you will be irresistible when you understand what unique feminine quality you possess and how to use it to attract the attention of men.
I say this because of the constant queries sent to my email requesting domination spells, basically to make men beg, without understanding that the issue goes beyond that.
Of course we could ask ourselves what men really want from a woman.
Dion Fortune, an occultist who dealt with magic applied to the relationships and tensions between men and women, concluded that men feel “bewitched” by certain levels of female speech.
This is probably due to an anthropological issue, who knows, but the important thing is that man oscillates between direct disagreement, without the possibility of negotiation, and indifference. But all of them respond positively to a clear, open and impression-rich communication style.
According to Dion Fortune’s studies, men are only predisposed to experiencing a highly intimate relationship when a level of communication is achieved that meets their expectations.
In a way, good communication makes men feel emotionally safe about women, allowing them to share their own feelings without reservation.
Another detail to take into account: respect.
Yes, it sounds like a decalogue for the good Christian, but psychologically it works.
Men give their full attention to the woman who respects them. Of course I’m not talking about submission, but about intellectual respect. How is it obtained? Listening and giving opinions intelligently.
If a man does not find respect in his speech, he will look for it somewhere else.
And the woman who knows how to communicate with her man can influence him in much more effective ways than “being herself” or cooking him his favorite dish.
The trap is obvious: women communicate differently than men.
We need volume, so to speak, more than precision.
And men, precisely, hook up with women who know exactly what to say, when to say it and most importantly, how to say it.
Now let’s get to the most important thing: the spell.
The following spell will work both on the man you are interested in and on your own mental clarity, making you master of the situation:
On the first Tuesday with the moon in the first quarter, gather the following materials:
Three white candles.
A photograph of you.
A photograph of the man you want to beg you.
Exactly at midnight he places both photographs facing each other, as if both images were looking at each other.
Light your three white candles, forming a triangle with the photos in the center.
Repeat the following magic words:
(full name of the man you are interested in)
Now take both photographs and burn them over the candles repeating the following magic words
(your full name)
Save the ashes and use them to rub your hands before seeing the man you are interested in.
Don’t worry, you can rinse them, but it is important that you do it just before seeing it.
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Article: Spell to make a man beg you was made by Athena Helenaus for . For reproduction, write to us at