How many people do you think you know who seem happy but struggle with depressive thoughts on a daily basis? Do you do this often? It is often believed that people with depression are incapable of having a life like anyone else. Maybe you think they spend their lives in bed and can’t function at work. The reality is that neither of these two ideas is correct. In fact, many more people than we think hide behind a smile to hide their depressive symptoms. This type of depression is known as smiling depression.
Not everyone experiences depression in the same way.. In some cases it is practically impossible to identify them if you only analyze the way they live. You might be surprised to discover that there are those who smile, are highly functional, jokey, and have the most pleasant social life. However, behind those smiles, hide feelings of sadness. When they get home, they may experience a tremendous inner emptiness. A feeling of helplessness that only those who have gone through it understand.
smiling depression
Many psychologists agree that the most surprising cases of depression are those of the so-called “smiling depression.” It wouldn’t be surprising if you’ve never heard this term. One way to define it is as “the appearance of happiness towards others when experiencing the symptoms of depression internally.”
It will be difficult for you to identify if someone close to you suffers from this type of depression. Those who live with her have learned to hide their emotions and demonstrate only what is expected of him or her. It is very common that they do not want to accept their depression or do not want to have to face their symptoms because they fear that others will consider them weak or strange.
The most important part of smiling depression is sadness. The smile is a defense mechanism against the outside, in an attempt to hide true feelings.
You may be experiencing deep sadness from a failed relationship, a difficult career, a lack of purpose in your life, or unwanted loneliness. Sadness can also manifest itself as a constant when you feel that “something is not right.”
Olivia Remes, an expert in depression and anxiety at the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), warns about the difficulty of identifying who suffers from this type of depression. Among the causes, she affirms that there is the perfect overacting of those who suffer from depression. Those who suffer from this type of depression hide their symptoms so well that no one would suspect their true state of mind. Furthermore, she warns that “Sometimes, they are people who They have no apparent reason to be sad“They have a job, a house, friends and even a partner and children.”
Why is smiling depression so dangerous?
The person living with smiling depression may feel anxious, angry, with excessive fears, tired, irritable and without hope. These feelings may not appear all together. It is even likely that for long periods no symptoms will appear recurrently.
Imagine depression smiling like a mask. Sufferers of smiling depression give no sign of their problem to the outside world. They often maintain a full-time job, a home, play sports and have an active social life. With his mask everything seems perfect. However, they may suffer from panic attacks, low self-esteem, sadness, insomnia and, in some cases, suicidal thoughts. This last is the most worrying part.
Typically, those who live and accept that they have severe depression may have suicidal thoughts, but not the energy to act. However, those who suffer from smiling depression have the ability to plan and achieve it. It is usually the typical case of the person who committed suicide and was surprised because no one imagined that something was wrong in his life. This is what makes this depression the most dangerous type.
How to avoid negative consequences?
If you are living with this type of depression, remember that there are alternatives that will help you. AND This is one of the most treatable mental health problems. Whether through counseling or psychotherapy, it is possible to move forward successfully. Going to a psychology professional will help you get out of this situation and will provide you with tools so that you can face what is beyond you.
If you suspect that a family member or loved one is living with smiling depression, be prepared for their first reaction to be denial. It is not a lack of interest on their part, but rather there are masked negative feelings, such as fear or insecurity. Perhaps the person who suffers from it is not even aware that he has this problem and the word “depression” may sound exaggerated.
In addition to therapy, it is important to seek support from friends and family. Look for A confidant can be the key step to analyze what you feel and what worries you. This person will not only listen to you, they will also help you see things from a different perspective. Don’t think that you will be a burden. Sometimes we forget that those around us love us.
Remember that the majority is willing to support you in the same way that you have done. Talking about what you feel is vital to dealing with depressive thoughts.
As long as you continue to deny or avoid the problem, it will be impossible for you to find a real solution. When depressive thoughts are not combated, they tend to grow and worsen.
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