This time we are going to see a powerful prayer that will help you face exams and tests.
A student’s routine is usually exhausting and full of difficulties. We go through several moments of a lot of stress, a lot of tiredness, anxiety and frustration. And all the tension ends up increasing on test days, so a good suggestion is to say a prayer to go well on the test.
Do you want to know how to go through that situation without much stress and with a guarantee of success? So, trust and pray!
Suggestion to pray to do well on the test
Prayer to Pass Exams and Oppositions successfully
Try to start and end the days leading up to your exam or test by saying the prayer to do well on the test. Ideally, this prayer should always be done in a quiet environment that allows you to relax and concentrate.
Prayer to pass a difficult exam to Saint Joseph Cupertino
“Oh Saint Joseph Cupertino, who by your prayer obtained from God to be approved in your exam only on the matter that you know. Grant the same success as you in the test of… (mention the name or type of the exam to be taken). submit, for example, history test, etc.).
Saint Joseph Cupertino, pray for me.
Holy Spirit, enlighten me.
Our Lady, Immaculate Spouse of the Holy Spirit, pray for me.
Sacred Heart of Jesus, seat of Divine Wisdom, enlighten me.
prayer to pass difficult exams of Santa Catarina de AlejandrÃa
“Saint Catherine of Alexandria, that you have had an intelligence blessed by God, open my intelligence, make me understand the class subjects, give me clarity and calm at the time of the exams, so that I can be approved.
I always want to learn more, not out of vanity, nor just to please my relatives and teachers, but to be useful to myself, my family, society and my country.
Saint Catherine of Alexandria, I’m counting on you. He also counts on me. I want to be a good Christian to deserve your protection. Amen.
At the beginning of the exam, repeat to yourself “Saint Catherine of Alexandria, I’m counting on you.
prayer to the child Jesus of Prague for exams and studies
Know the prayer to pass the contest and be successfully approved
Prayer to go well in the test
“Sir, I think it’s worth studying!
The study of the gifts you have given me will yield more,
and so that it can serve you better.
Studying, I am sanctifying myself.
Lord, may study forge great ideals in me!
Accept, Lord, my freedom, my memory,
my understanding and my will.
From You, Lord, I received these abilities to study.
I put them in your hands.
Everything is yours. May everything be done according to your will!
Lord, may I be free!
Help me to be disciplined, internally and externally.
Lord, let it be true!
May my words, actions and silences never lead others to think that I am what I am not.
Free me Lord, from falling into the temptation to copy.
Lord, let it be joyful!
Teach me to cultivate a sense of humor
and to discover and witness the reasons for true joy.
Give me, Lord, the happiness of having friends
and be respectful through my conversations and attitudes
to God the Father who created me: teach me to make a masterpiece of my life!
Divine Jesus: print on me the marks of Your humanity!
Divine Holy Spirit: illuminate the darkness of my ignorance; defeat my laziness; Put the right word in my mouth! “
Remember to put all your faith when you recite these prayers to pass a difficult exam or test and you will get the best result