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Prayer to God to Attract and make True Friends

Today we are going to see some powerful prayers to have many friends

Friends are the most precious possession we have, aren’t they? Cultivate your friendships even more with the power of these prayers! Pray with great faith and receive thanks

In sickness and health, in wealth and poverty, in sadness and joy. We always hear these words at weddings, but have you ever stopped to think that when we cultivate a friendship this is what happens?

Our friends are always there for us and to support us when we need it, be it a good time or a bad one. “A friend is something valuable that, once found, must be cared for and valued.” Pray for these gifts from God and strengthen your friendships.

Prayer to have and attract good friends

“Lord, your holy word tells us: ‘He who has found a friend has found a treasure.’ First of all, I want to thank you for your friends, for the friendship that undoubtedly completes the gift of life.

Thank you, Lord, for having such a special person who knows how to understand me and, at all times, is willing to listen to me, help me, in short: he is in me. Thank you Lord, because with friendship my world was different, New, wise, beautiful and stronger.

Friends are fruits of life. These are his gifts that complete the joy of our journey.

In this prayer, I come to ask you, Lord: bless my friend, protect him, enlighten him with your power. May this precious gift of friendship grow stronger every day. May you always understand, love and forgive in a testimony of harmony. Free our friends from all evil. Amen.

blessings of friends

“Lord God, I take the liberty of turning to you in prayer and asking you to bless all my friends (say on behalf of each one) so that they always have peace, mental tranquility, family love, abundance. on the table, a suitable roof to live in and a lot of love in the heart. With your magnificent power, protect them from all evil and may they do good to those who come close to them. Amen! ” (Says a Hail Mary)

Prayer to God to protect friendship

“Jesus Christ, Teacher and friend, we are on our way in a world of fear and hate. We fear sterile loneliness. We want to move forward together, united in love.

Protect our friendship. Make her cordial in her treatment, sincere and faithful in her delivery. Let us always have full confidence, total privacy.

Never arise fear or doubts. May we have a heart that understands and helps. Let’s be true friends and for all hours. Holy Mary of pure friendship, lead us to Jesus, united in love. Amen.

Prayer to be a good friend

“Lord, how few are true friends, because we are imperfect, limited! Many times I am disappointed, forgetting that I am wrong when I expect from them a perfection, a holiness and a perfect love that only you possess.

And even those who truly love you are flawed because they are human. Despite my difficulties, make me kind and truly friendly to everyone, without expecting anything, not even a single thank you.

You are, Lord, the best and most perfect friend among all my friends. You who love me with perfect love, teach me to love with my heart, to look with my eyes and to always live as a worthy witness of the deep friendship and love that you have always had and still have with me. Amen.

Protection prayer for friends

“Father, the Lord spoke to Moses as a friend speaks to a friend. I praise and appreciate the friendship that the Lord has for me and for everyone. The Lord knows how to be friends, even when I don’t know how to respond to this friendship.

I come to the Lord to pray for my friends, whom I love so much. I know that the Lord will look at each one with affection. I ask you to bless his life, his family and his efforts. Be protected and supported by your needs.

May joy invade your hearts and live in peace. May our friendship grow even more and be friends as the Lord knew that he was a friend of Lazarus, Mary and Martha. (He Say the names of your friends and pray to each one). Amen.

Prayer to attract good friends

Archangel Raguel, friend of God,
accompanies my soul
and attract good people and true to my life.

That I can be loved and understood,accepted and listened to, and appreciated.

Glorious Archangel Raguel, you who are a friend of God,
I thank you for the new and true friendships
that you make bloom in my life,
as in a garden of harmony and full happiness.

Prayer To Make Real Friends

Dear God please bring true friends into my life, I’m tired of being alone and alone, no one seems to want to know me or be with me unless they have a problem to solve and want to find me for it.

You know everything dear god send a couple of good friends in my life and help me find my purpose in life to get rid of all suicidal thoughts. I need love dear lord please love me.

video Prayers To Make Many True Friends

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