He is the patron saint of lawyers and his help is often requested so that the law always remains above the forces of injustice and evil. A prayer of Saint Ivo It is known for its power to promote spiritual cleansing and open paths to problem solving. It can be done whenever you feel necessary, at any time and day of the week.
Why is Saint Ivo the patron saint of lawyers?
Ivo Hélory de Kermartin, Ivo de Tréguier or Saint Ivo (17 October 1253 – 19 May 1303) was a French priest who acted as a lawyer and judge. He became known as the “Lawyer of the Poor” for defending the less privileged. “Swear to me that your cause is just and I will defend it free of charge” is one of his great phrases.
He died at the age of 50 of natural causes and is celebrated on May 19th. It was in 1347, at the request of bishops and civil authorities, that Pope Clement VI placed him in the catalog of saints and confessors, becoming venerated as a saint of the Catholic Church.
Saint Ivo’s Prayer
“O God, following the example of Saint Ivo, patron saint of lawyers, make injustice and slander disappear from us and that only the truth inflame our hearts. Amen!”
Source: Milícia da Imaculada
Prayer to Saint Ivo
“May my Lord Jesus, my Saint Ivo, hear my prayers. Give me caution in food and drink. Diligence and honesty in work. Firm in my good intentions.
Make my conscience clear. My conduct without fault. My life well ordered. Put me on guard against human weaknesses. Always make me happy with my love for you, My Saint Ivo, and for Our Lord Jesus.
Make me keep Your Law. And your example. And come to me to save me. Teach me that this world is fleeting. That the true future is in heaven. That life on earth is short and fast. That life after death is eternal.
Help me prepare for death. With due fear of judgment. But with confidence in his goodness. Be, Saint Ivo, at the head of my bed in my agony and lead me to a good death, eternal salvation and the endless joy of Heaven. Achieve this with your merits through Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.”
Source: OAB Aguaí
Saint Ivo, protector of lawyers
“Glorious Saint Ivo, lily of purity, apostle of charity and intrepid defender of justice. You who, seeing in human laws a reflection of the eternal law, knew how to marvelously combine the postulates of justice and the imperative of Christian love, assist, enlighten, strengthen the legal class, our judges and lawyers, the cultivators and interpreters of the law, to that in their teachings and decisions, they never deviate from equity and righteousness.
Let them love justice, so that they may consolidate peace; exercise charity, so that concord may reign; defend and support the weak and unprotected, so that, putting aside all subordinate interests and all affection of people, they make the wisdom of the law triumph over the forces of injustice and evil.
Look also at us, glorious Saint Ivo, who wish to copy your examples and imitate your virtues. Exercise your mission as our advocate and protector at the throne of God, so that our prayers may be favorably addressed and we may feel the effects of your powerful patronage. Amen.”
Source: Jusbrasil
Rosary of Saint Ivo
To make the Rosary of Saint Ivo and make a wish, it is recommended to remain in a quiet place, where you will not be interrupted. What do you think about lighting a candle to expand the connection and as a symbol of your faith? Sit comfortably, close your eyes and calm down by taking deep, conscious breaths. Mentalize or look at an image of the saint. Then, take the rosary and start the step-by-step guide below, taken from the website Holy Land Cross:
On the crucifix: Sign of the Cross and Creed
In the first large account: Our Father
In the first three small accounts: Holy Mary
In the second large account: Glory
Make your wish
First Mystery
In the First Mystery, we contemplate the birth of Saint Ivo into a Christian family, which provided him not only with studies, but also with a living faith, which accompanied him throughout his life. And we ask for the grace to make our family, more and more, a Christian home that offers its fruits to the world, as the family of Santo Ivo did.
In the big account:
Our Father
On all small accounts:
Saint Ivo, example of love, charity and Justice, look after my rights.
Plead my cause before men, so that together we may praise before God.
Glory to the Father…
Second Mystery
In the Second Mystery we contemplate the studies of Saint Ivo, being trained by the best teachers of his time. And we ask for all teachers and students, so that teaching and learning take place so that God may be glorified, as it was in the life of Saint Ivo.
Third Mystery
In the Third Mystery we contemplate the practice of law and judiciary in the life of Saint Ivo, seeking to defend Law and Justice in favor of those who had no one for them. We ask, through the intercession of Saint Ivo, that our causes do not delay and reach a fair result, to the glory of God.
Mystery Room
In the Fourth Mystery we contemplate the priestly ministry of Saint Ivo, continuing his action in the area of Law. And we ask, through the intercession of Saint Ivo, for the grace to do as much as possible for the good of others and for the glory of God.
Fifth Mystery
In the Fifth Mystery we contemplate the charitable works of Saint Ivo, such as his constant help to those most in need, his generous law practice and the hospital he built to serve the poor. And we ask for the grace to help everyone who needs it most whenever it is within our power.
Save the queen
Prayer to Saint Ivo:
“Glorious Saint Ivo, lily of purity, apostle of charity and intrepid defender of justice. You who, seeing in human laws a reflection of the eternal law, knew how to marvelously combine the postulates of justice and the imperative of Christian love, assist, enlighten, strengthen the legal class, our judges and lawyers, the cultivators and interpreters of the law, to that in their teachings and decisions, they never deviate from equity and righteousness. Let them love justice, so that they may consolidate peace; exercise charity, so that concord may reign; defend and support the weak and unprotected, so that, putting aside all subordinate interests and all affection of people, they make the wisdom of the law triumph over the forces of injustice and evil. Look also at us, glorious Saint Ivo, who wish to copy your examples and imitate your virtues. Exercise your mission as our advocate and protector at the throne of God, so that our prayers may be favorably addressed and we may feel the effects of your powerful patronage. Amen.”
Source: Cruz Terra Santa
Read more: prayer of Saint Expedito It is prayer of Saint Joseph.
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