Life is full of ups and downs. Are you tired and lacking motivation? A prayer for discouragement It is known for promoting spiritual cleansing and can help in the process of getting back on your feet and moving forward with greater ease. Try to read in a quiet place, where you will not be interrupted, and with faith in what you can achieve!
How to end discouragement and sadness?
A prayer for discouragement It can serve as an impetus to get back into action. In addition to strengthening faith and regaining strength, it is important to set goals, celebrate small results, share problems, reserve moments for rest, sleep well and have healthy habits in everyday life. If you are having difficulties, do not hesitate to seek help from a psychologist and/or doctor.
“My God, to you I cry: within me there is darkness, but in you I find light.
I’m alone, but you don’t abandon me.
I am discouraged, but in you I find help.
I am restless, but in you I find peace.
Within me there is bitterness, but in you I find patience.
I don’t understand your plans, but you know my path.
Source: Astrocentro
Prayer to overcome discouragement
“My God, to you I cry: within me there is darkness, but in you I find light.
I feel alone, but you don’t abandon me. I am discouraged, but in you I find help. I am restless, but in you I find peace.
Within me there is bitterness, but in you I find patience. I don’t understand your plans, but you know my path.
Come, Lord, to my aid. Remove my soul from the abyss of death. Heal and free my heart from all ties. I need you lord.
Help me in my anguish, anxiety and all my worries. Change everything I can’t change Lord. Amen.”
Source: Father Marcelo Rossi
Prayer to remove sadness and anguish from the heart
“My Lord, I know that, for You, there is no ‘dead end’, there is no problem without a solution. I know that the Lord can make water flow from a stone, and I know that he can turn water into wine and stones into bread. I know that the Lord gives orders to the winds and the sea, I know that no bird falls to the ground without Your will, and that the strands of my hair are all numbered (Mt 10,29-30). I know, Lord, that you care for the birds of the air and the lilies of the fields, which neither sow nor reap, and the Lord gives them food and clothing, which are worth much less than we are. I know all this, Lord, but my faith is weak. Forgive me, heal me and increase my faith, Lord! I do not give up seeking You and achieving firm faith.
In Your name, I lift my head, Lord, and cast out fear and anguish from my soul. In Your Name, Lord, I will not fear any evil, because I know that the Lord is my Shepherd and I will not want anything. I know that the Lord is the protector of my life; I will fear nothing.
I accept everything, Lord, I accept everything! I am all Yours, and everything I am and have belongs to You, my God. I don’t want to be attached to anything, and I know that You are freeing me from all these ties that bind me to this world. The Lord wants me free, detached and stripped of everything. Now, I understand a little more what the Lord is doing in me, with this suffering that crushes my soul.”
Source: Canção Nova
What is the psalm for a discouraged person?
Psalm 8 is one of the most sought after to overcome discouragement. This is because it reminds you of the superior power, opening space for faith to strengthen and take over your daily life.
1. O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth, for you have set your glory in the heavens!
2. You commanded strength from the mouths of infants and those who suckle, because of your enemies, to silence the enemy and the avenger.
3. When I see your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have prepared;
4. What is mortal man that you remember him? and the son of man, that you visit him?
5. For you have made him a little lower than the angels, and you have crowned him with glory and honor.
6. You make him have dominion over the works of your hands; You have put everything under his feet:
7. All the sheep and cattle, as well as the wild animals,
8. The birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, and everything that passes through the paths of the seas.
9. O Lord, our Lord, how wonderful is your name in all the earth!
Read more: prayer of Our Lady of Aparecida, prayer of Our Lady of Sorrows It is prosperity prayer.