Most back pain They are not congenital or due to accidents, falls or sports injuries: they are simply are the result of excessive stress nervous or emotional, which can translate into muscle stiffness.
Or are they due to poor posture, inactivity and weakness of the abdominal muscles, as well as carrying too much weight or doing it incorrectly.
The best way to take care of your back is to strengthen your abdominal muscles.Get used to adopting the correct posture when standing or sitting, and practice the stretches that are most appropriate in each case.
3 fast-acting pain relief postures
When back pain occurs, adopting a certain posture can help us alleviate it.
Posture against pain that radiates to the legs
Back pain can be very strong and radiate to the legs.
In these cases it helps to adopt a special posture that frees the back from all load, achieves a maximum opening of the neural canal and eliminates pain quickly.
Lie down face up.Tilt so that the most affected side of the back is on top. Place under the spine, at the level of the lumbars, a cervical roll or a rolled towel.Bend the lower leg and stretch the top.rotate the torso so that the bottom arm is on the side of the back and the top arm is in front. The head should rest without tension.Stay like this for at least 10 minutes.. Leave the position if discomfort increases.Pick Up: Child’s Pose
A stretching that is very easy and manages to relax the entire back It is what is known in yoga as the “child’s pose” or Balasana, perhaps because it evokes the fetal position, excellent for the spine.
The pose gives the sensation of closing in on oneself, gently stretching the spine, hips, and ankles.
this posture It is adopted in yoga to rest but also serves after a busy day or to relax after exercisingbecause it eliminates tension in the lower back, hips and neck.
Kneel on the floor, sit on your heels and lean forward to bring the chest closer to the knees and the forehead to the ground, with the arms along the body.
One has to take a deep breath, relax your muscles and quiet the thoughts at least during couple of minutes.
Pick up and stretch your arms
The same posture can also be done stretching the arms forward, separated the width of the hips and with the elbows slightly bent. It is pulled forward with the fingers and the buttocks are pressed.
Pushing gently with the palms against the floor it is easier to sit on the heels.
After a few minutes of deep breathing returns to basic child’s pose, head down, hands reaching to feetpalms up.
In yoga, the hands are relaxed next to the feet, palms up, but can be placed on the kidneys. If you have trouble sitting on your heels, place a rolled towel between your thighs and calves. If the forehead does not reach the ground, you can let the head hang down.
Emergency remedies for back pain: what can be done?
In case of back pain that recurs or does not disappear in a few days you have to react fast. There are five emergency measures that anyone can apply:
Cold. Placing a towel with ice cubes, therapeutic cold gel packs or simple compresses soaked in cold water for ten minutes helps a lot when the pain is more intense because it relaxes the muscles, reduces the side effects of inflammation and has an anesthetic action.Heat. It seems like a contradiction, but sometimes the heat is also beneficial. It is recommended to apply heat when the pain returns with less intensity after having administered cold. You can resort to the sauna, a hot water bottle, a shower or an infrared lamp. What always helps is putting a hot water bottle on your tummy with a damp cloth underneath. In this way the back is relaxed through the reflex zones. However, applying heat is not recommended when the pain is very acute and responds to massive inflammation. Normal. In no case should we allow pain to alter our daily lives. It is convenient to continue with the usual activities, otherwise a spiral of pain and discomfort may begin from which it will be increasingly difficult to escape. A recent report by the British association The Work Foundation assured, after consulting with the most prestigious specialists, that continuing to work is better for your health than resting in the face of problems such as back pain. In any case, work cannot become the cause of pain (it is in many cases), which may require taking measures to improve ergonomics in the workplace.Activity. Back pains do not need rest. Exercise should be done to improve circulation and activate the immune system. Thus the tissues will receive nutrients and any damage will be repaired. Just walk, run or cycle. The only prevention is not to do anything that is above the possibilities of our physical condition.Relaxing breath. You have to sit with your back straight or, if possible, lie on your back on a not too soft surface. One hand is placed on the belly and one begins to breathe calmly and deeply, inhaling and exhaling consciously. In just two minutes the back relaxes and the sensation of pain is reduced.
The contradiction between activity and relaxation is only apparent: both are necessary. Likewise, both cold and heat can help depending on the origin of the pain.
Exercises that help against back pain
At the same time, daily exercises should be carried out at home or in the gym following the instructions of the professional.
There are exercises that are generally considered beneficial for the back. However, it is best to do a individualized program. It is important that promote stability, mobility, balance and strength.
It is not true that back pain requires rest. It is only indicated in a few cases. In most, on the contrary, it is convenient to exercise. Nothing better against pain than doing a table of exercises for a quarter of an hour every day.
On the website of the American Association of Orthopedics there is a selection of exercises in spanish to treat and prevent back pain. However, the exercises must be indicated by a therapist because they must be adapted to the characteristics of the patient.
In any case, they must satisfy the following objectives:
More stability. The exercises should be designed to strengthen the back muscles and especially the abdominals. This straightens the spine and achieves a more harmonious general posture. You also have to increase the tone of the muscles that are inserted into the pelvis and hip. It is very important that the buttocks have a good tone because they reinforce stability and control in the center of the body. Pilates method exercises are ideal for achieving this goal.More mobility. Most people suffer from stiffness in the dorsal vertebrae, which generates a series of imbalances and pain. Yoga is especially recommended. More balance. Deficiencies cause postural problems that damage the back. The exercises must take care of the quality of the contact of the feet with the ground in a static position and in movement.More aerobic exercise. Physical activities that are demanding on the lungs and heart are often beneficial for the back. Whatever the chosen exercise, you must ensure that the dorsal area (the center of the back) remains upright. You can run, swim backstroke, or use your bike or treadmill for 20 to 30 minutes a day.
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