Wrong food, lack of disposition, discouragement… the description simply does not match Patrícia Poeta, a fun and energetic presenter that we watch every Saturday on Globo’s “É de Casa” program. But, in fact, that was how the journalist felt at the beginning of 2015 – the period in which she decided to carry out a dietary re-education and make working out part of her routine once and for all. And would you believe it, it worked!? In a few months she managed to eliminate 10 kg and gain more quality of life.
“At the beginning of last year, I was a few extra pounds. Then, the tendency is to slowly get discouraged: relaxing in food, eating badly and wrong. Over time, this snowballs. As a consequence, the quality of life also changes – and for the worse. You feel less willing, less healthy, less yourself, ”she says.
The solution was to look for endocrinologist Fabiano Serfaty, from Rio de Janeiro, who asked for a series of tests, such as cholesterol levels, for example. “The result of the check-up can already imagine what it was, right? Everything changed, ”he says. A month after focusing on diet and training, the picture had already changed a lot: “she looked like another patient”.
In the food re-education process – which began in the second half of 2015, Patrícia reduced the amount of carbohydrates and desserts (her great passions!), but did not stop consuming any of the foods she likes. “My diet is not one that starves you. If not, I wouldn’t even stand it. My biggest lesson is that most of the day I ingested sugar, without even knowing it, without realizing it”, she explains. Today, Patrícia doesn’t need to eat every three hours and has 5 to 6 meals a day.
The combo: CrossFit (3 times a week) + samba (2 times a week) was largely responsible for the transformation of her body. But, because of a cervical problem, the presenter had to stop training at the end of 2015. Currently, she bets on bodybuilding 3 times a week, under the guidance of personal André Leta, and on samba. “Dance is great aerobic work. You can sweat a lot,” she says. The focus now is to strengthen the abdominal region and back, to help with posture and relieve pain.
As she has always preserved the issue of well-being, Patrícia sees 2015 as an important year with many changes. In 2016, the story will be different: up-to-date health, a diet without deprivation, training routine and delicious and healthy meals.
Check out the before and after:
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