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Novena to the Bloody Hands of Jesus Sixth Day – Witches of Love


“During the
meal, Jesus took the Bread in His Hands, blessed it, broke it and
He gave it to His disciples, saying: ‘Take and eat, this is My Body’. He took
then the chalice, he gave thanks and gave it to him, saying: ‘Drink from him, all of you, because
this is My Blood, the Blood of the New Covenant, shed for all, in remission
of sins…” Mt 26, 50b-52.

Jesus my heart
overflows with gratitude because, even knowing that I would never deserve
to receive such grace, You make Yourself food on the altar, offering Yourself to me for the
hands of priests and ministers, extension of Your generous Hands. give me the grace
of always seeking Him ardently, so that I may not faint in the middle of the journey towards
to meet You. Amen.

Repeat 3 TIMES
times, on this 6th day, the following ejaculation:

“Jesus, by the power of Your Redeeming Blood, I beg that I never lack the Bread of

The final prayer is now prayed

Heal me Lord

“Jesus, put Thy
Bloody blessed hands, bruised and open upon me at this moment.
I feel completely powerless to continue carrying my crosses.
I need the strength and power of Your Hands, which endured the deepest pain
as they were nailed to the Cross, lift me up and heal me now. Jesus, I don’t just ask
for me, but also for all those I love the most. We need
desperately for physical and spiritual healing through the consoling touch of
Your Bloody and Infinitely Powerful Hands.

Read Also:  Prayer to Oxalá for Union - Witches of Love

I recognize,
despite all my limitation and the infinity of my sins, who are God,
Omnipotent and Merciful to act and accomplish the impossible. With faith and total
I can confidently say: “Bloody hands of Jesus, Wounded hands there
On the cross! Come touch me. Come, Lord Jesus!”

Finish each day,
praying an Our Father and a Gloria, in thanksgiving for the graces, blessings and
miracles that will be granted by the bloody Hands of Jesus through this

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