This prayer or rather Prayer of Dona Sete Encruzilhadas, it is not specific to love, it serves to open paths in general. I wasn’t even going to post it today, I was going to post another one, but I don’t know what came over me, I couldn’t resist, I think there must be someone who is always here, has faith in Dona Sete Encruzilhadas and needs to untangle her ways…
Prayer of Dona Sete Encruzilhadas
“I’m a woman, I’m an exu, I’m a rapid, I walk back and forth, my life is always walking. I have in my hands the destiny of those who don’t have luck on their side. For the seven paths that I pass, one of them will be yours and at that moment I will help you. With a red rose, I’ll throw everything far away, where you don’t pass.
Trust this friend, I am Seven here and everywhere, I am the woman of seven men, but none of them will be harmed. On your side, the cat will meow, the enemy will move away, the doors will open and a new sun will shine. I am Sete Encruzilhadas, a woman here and everywhere”.
Obs.: before you ask me, it is not necessary to memorize the prayer, it can be read.