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Noni, the superfood that protects your cells

He noni, a somewhat alien-looking fruit, is native to Southeast Asia and belongs to the Rubiaceae family, like coffee. Many properties are attributed to it, largely due to one of its components, proxeronine. In fact, native cultures, such as those of Polynesia, have been using it for millennia to improve their health.

The proxeronine from noni (Morinda citrifolia) is converted to xeronine in the body, an alkaloid capable of regulating metabolism and different biological functions. For this reason they are attributed to noni healing properties for all kinds of diseases, such as infections, arthritis, diabetes, asthma, hypertension, migraines or menstrual irregularities, and above all a great anticancer capacity.

benefits of noni

The noni is a great anticancer. Recent studies show that noni juice prevents the formation of DNA adducts, that is, the binding of DNA to chemical substances, which would cause cancer cells.

The antioxidants in noni, especially the lignans, reduce the deterioration of cholesterol, which prevents arteriosclerosis. Besides help regulate blood sugar and blood pressure.

The extract has been shown to have sedative and analgesic properties. Since ancient times, noni has been used for wounds, blows, toothaches and fever.

Native cultures have used it for centuries for its antibacterial properties, antivirals and antiparasitic. These are due to its content in l-asperuloside and alizarin, two anthraquinones with a positive effect in the treatment of tuberculosis, salmonella or Staphylococcus aureusamong others.

It has also been seen to combat Helicobacter pylori forks effective to heal ulcers and gastritis. It is indicated against intestinal worms.

The juice of its root has properties laxatives for its richness in anthraquinones, which increase peristaltic activity.

Noni contains polysaccharides and oligosaccharides that nourish the intestinal flora. It is also rich in vitamins and minerals, but above all in antioxidants (selenium, xeronine, lignans, scopoletin, anthraquinones and terpenes), which give it a cleansing and regenerative effect on the skin and cell membranes.

Noni juice, the best way to drink it

The flavor of the fruit is somewhat difficult; for this reason, it is not consumed as it is, but it is customary to take its fermented juicewhich is usually mixed with lemon juice and some natural sweetener, such as maple syrup.


The benefits of noni are multiple but there are also some contraindications. Noni is not recommended in pregnancy, as it is anti-estrogenic and, even in small doses, it could stop conception or even cause an abortion.

Its habitual consumption is not recommended for prolonged periods without consulting a professional. It is also not advisable to take noni in case of liver, kidney or heart disease due to its high potassium content.

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