Nicotine is one of those substances that artificially causes a feeling of well-being. At the same time, it affects premature aging of the brain and this, in turn, causes some intellectual abilities to decline.
For a long time it was ignored that nicotine generated an addiction as strong as that produced by other drugs. most publicized. However, science has discovered that this substance is capable of giving rise to a dependence similar to that of hard drugs, such as cocaine or amphetamines.
Nicotine has the ability to modify the brain. Through complex mechanisms, causes the reward circuit to be altered. This means that it promotes a feeling of pleasure, on which the brain begins to become dependent. There is a point at which the body demands that substance, or else the brain chemistry shifts toward an unpleasant balance.
Smokers and only they are the ones who decide whether to quit tobacco or not. This is a difficult decision and a difficult process, but not impossible. What follows is simply information intended to illustrate the effects of nicotineso this doesn’t take tobacco addicts by surprise.
“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live”.
-Jim Rohn-
The action of nicotine on the brain
When a person consumes nicotine, cholinergic receptors in the brain are activated. These cause a release of dopamine.. This is a neurotransmitter related to feelings of motivation and pleasure. In short, smoking produces a feeling of well-being, chemically motivated by the brain.
The body transports nicotine to the brain very quickly. It is estimated that it only takes 10 to 15 seconds to travel from the lungs and through the bloodstream. Studies indicate that any substance that is smoked It is potentially more addictiveprecisely because of the speed with which the feeling of well-being occurs.
The brain has “its own nicotine” which is acetylcholine. He also has his own marijuana, morphine, heroin, etc. It means that the brain can replicate the effect of those substances without having to consume them. It happens when we have happy experiences, such as obtaining a desired achievement, laughing, breaking a record, etc. But if we activate these substances artificially, by turning to a chemist, the danger of addiction appears.
Nicotine addiction
When nicotine, or a similar drug, is consumed, the brain quickly reaches a state of well-being. If this happens frequently, the organ is less and less capable of generating sensations of pleasure. not associated with substance consumption. In other words, it becomes more difficult to obtain that same satisfaction through natural means.
Parallel to this, a reaction occurs in which the brain begins to “crave” that state of well-being, relatively frequently. It is not only the need to experience satisfaction, but a very annoying displeasure arises.. A state of restlessness, nervousness and anxiety, which leads to seeking consumption again.
This does not happen when the brain obtains pleasure naturally. Furthermore, over time, satisfaction is no longer obtained from the direct stimulus of smoking. The brain is conditioned and that is why it anticipates that feeling of well-being and demands it. That is what leads to customary and uncontrollable consumption.
The harmful effects of consumption
Cigarette production is in the hands of large multinationals. These have spared no effort in studying consumer behavior and promoting addiction.. They regulate the amount of nicotine in each cigarette so that dependence is maintained. They make packs of 20 cigarettes because science has discovered that a greater number of these per day generates displeasure. Everything is carefully planned.
Nicotine causes the brain to age more quickly. This decreases the ability to solve problems, make decisions, learn, and control impulses. The substance leads to a reduction in the orbitofrontal cortex of the brain. Cigarette consumption is directly associated with the weakening of this area. This also leads to the person potentially becoming more vulnerable to acquiring new addictions.
Giving up cigarettes is not easy, precisely because of everything that has been explained. To achieve this, you not only need a strong will, but also a strategy. effective. It is best to stop completely and not gradually. At the same time, create a system of stimuli and reinforcements that help maintain abstention.
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Lborra, RR, Pozo, MCC, & Pérez, VMS (1994). Cognitive effects of nicotine and tobacco in human subjects. Psychothema, 6(1), 5-20.
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