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Narcissistic people and egocentric people: what differentiates them?

Who is more problematic, the narcissist or the egocentric? Beyond what we may believe, they are not equal. There are nuances that differentiate them and that are necessary to know. We explain it to you.

Narcissists, selfish, egocentric… Often, we confuse them or use them arbitrarily, even thinking that we are talking about the same thing. However, There are clear differences between narcissism and egocentrismto the point that the former can manifest as a personality disorder.

Few concepts are so common in everyday language. We usually label such a person as “egocentric” for prioritizing his needs and desires before our own and we also do not hesitate to call “narcissist” someone who sees and interprets things from his own perspective without considering those of others.

This arbitrariness in terminology dilutes the original meaning and also the opportunity to correctly apply these concepts. Discovering that thin line that separates both psychological universes will be as curious as it is enriching. Let’s delve into it.

What are the differences between narcissism and egocentrism?

Before delving into the differences between narcissism and egocentrism, it is worth reflecting on one aspect. People inhabit an internal universe from which we perceive and interpret the world. We are all, in some way, integrated into that “egocentric” perception that goes from inside to outside.from our own mind to the world that surrounds us.

Now, there are those who take it to the extreme. Who rarely leaves that internal shell to connect with others, to give in to other visions, learn from other approaches or share common ideas. There are degrees, Both narcissism and egocentrism fall within a spectrum that ranges from a more acceptable radius to the most pathological. Let’s now distinguish what defines each psychological area.

Narcissism, a personality style that can make up a disorder

Personality style or parenting and education problem? This is usually the first question that experts usually ask when delving into narcissism. In many cases, We are facing a behavior that had its origin in a deficient education in which the lack of limits profiled an emotional and psychological exploiter. Let’s see, however, the characteristics that define them.

Narcissism can manifest itself as a personality disorder. However, as we have pointed out, this behavior can be evidenced in a more attenuated way or already enter a clinical category: narcissistic personality disorder. On average, The narcissist has a notable need to monopolize all the attention. They border on megalomania and delusions of grandeur. Now, there is a trait to take into account to differentiate them from egocentrics: narcissists need to have people around them to reinforce their “greatness.” They use others to be someone, but the egocentric do not.They do not connect or care about the feelings of others. One of their most striking characteristics is the lack of empathy. One of the most common differences between narcissists and egocentrics is that the former will always demonstrate a clear feeling of superiority. The egocentric does not seek it or need it. Narcissism builds its own values ​​and its own moral sense. They set the rules and something like this causes, for example, them to commit unethical acts. What’s more, studies such as the one carried out at the University of Liverpool by Dr. Victoria Blinkorn, tell us that There is a significant relationship between narcissism and criminal behavior.

The egocentric, a cognitive bias

One of the differences between narcissism and egocentrism is that while the former defines a personality style, the latter manifests itself in the form of cognitive bias. Besides, It does not form a clinical diagnostic category. It is a way of thinking, of interpreting reality.

Thus, and although it may seem that this line of separation between one and the other is still too narrow, we will understand it when we delve deeper into these dimensions.

The Swiss psychologist Jean Piaget defined egocentrism as a way of thinking that defined children under eight years of age.. It is about interpreting and seeing the world from a single perspective: one’s own. Little by little, and as one reaches maturity, one learns to integrate into other people’s perspectives. Now… why are there people who, upon reaching adulthood, continue to express that style of thinking? There are those who speak of immaturity or even a certain inability to connect with the perspectives of others, of going beyond one’s own opinions and thoughts.Likewise, also Another type of bias usually appears, that of similarity, the one that makes us think that others think like we do., who have the same opinion as oneself. Egocentrism is basically a cult of the self, but without leading to airs of grandeur, nor with the need to monopolize attention. In addition, It does not show a lack of morals or a tendency to criminal behavior like narcissists.

How can I know if I am dealing with a narcissist or an egocentric?

We know that there are differences between narcissism and egocentrism. However, sometimes we come across certain people who can confuse us. How do I know if I am dealing with a narcissist or someone who is incapable of having perspectives other than their own?

The narcissist is manipulative and always looks for something in return. The egocentric only aspires to be right, to impose his point of view.Narcissism uses other people’s emotions to exert control and to do this, he can be friendly and seductive at the beginning. Little by little, we will see how his personality and intentions vary. For his part, the egocentric is less sophisticated. Their behavior may seem immature and even childish to us. He does not manipulate and is shown from the beginning in the same way, what we see is what he is: someone who only takes into account his perspectives, opinions and needs.

To conclude, we are aware that both behaviors can be problematic for us. However, It is the narcissist who can always act in a more harmful way. Let’s keep it in mind.

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Blinkhorn, Victoria & Lyons, Minna & Almond, Louise. (2018). Criminal Minds: Narcissism Predicts Offending Behavior in a Non-Forensic Sample. Deviant Behavior. 1-7. 10.1080/01639625.2017.1422458.

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