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Mandala tattoo: 60 ideas with the symbol full of meaning

From the craze of anti-stress coloring books to zen decor objects, mandalas have become increasingly popular and it’s not hard to see why. Present in different cultures, the mandala – a word that, in Sanskrit, means circle – is a meditation instrument that represents the connection of the human being with the cosmos and that stimulates inner peace. In other words, something more than welcome in today’s chaotic days!

For those who are in need of this tranquility in everyday life, or even for those very connected to spirituality, how about carrying this symbol on the body with a mandala tattoo? See below for a selection of inspirations.

1. One of the characteristics of the mandala is its concentric shape

2. That is, with forms that develop from the same center

3. Forming really fascinating circles

4. And often intriguing

5. Of those who inspire us to spend a lot of time trying to decipher it

6. Are you going to say that this doesn’t bring concentration and tranquility?

7. But mandalas can also be quite simple

8. Counting on few forms

9. Or even look like they were made with a square

10. After all, how can there be rules for something that encourages inner peace?

11. That’s why don’t be afraid to adapt your mandala

12. As an example, you can make a cutout of it

13. Place it inside another geometric shape

14. From a beloved character

15. From another mystical symbol

16. And why not incorporate the mandala into other forms?

17. Like an owl

19. A leopard

20. And even a beetle

21. Remembering that the embedded element does not have to be an animal

22. It could be another symbol that gives you tranquility, like a heart

23. The phases of the moon

24. Or a landscape

25. Which is also completed in a mandala in this tattoo here

26. And why not the whole planet?

27. For those who have noticed a certain similarity between flowers and mandalas, do not be surprised

28. After all, just like mandalas, flowers are also concentric

29. That’s why the two things often appear together

30. As the tattoo below shows

31. The lotus flower, for example, is practically a mandala

32. And it’s quite represented that way in tattoos

33. Be they great

34. Small and delicate

35. Or a tattoo within a tattoo!

36. But it is not just the lotus flower that can be incorporated into the mandala

37. Other flowers like peonies also do very well in this role

38. Just like roses

39. As for the style, mandalas are very versatile

40. Being able to follow the bold line

41. Watercolor

42. Geometric

43. Dotted

44. Old school

45. With delicate features

46. ​​Or mix more than one style at the same time

47. How are you with delicate lines and geometric shapes

48. And this one with pointillism and botanical inspiration

49. The good thing is that, in addition, the mandala tattoo looks good on various parts of the body

50. For the more discreet, for example, behind the ear works very well

51. Other cool ideas are putting the mandala tattoo on the shoulder

52. On the thigh, visible only on hot days

53. On the outside of the forearm

54. Just above the wrist

55. On the instep

56. Below the breasts

57. On the back of the arms

58. On the back

59. Between the arm and forearm

60. And even in the elbow!

So, inspired to tattoo this beautiful symbol that is the mandala? In that case, be sure to research a tattoo artist or tattoo artist that matches your style. Also, for those who still have doubts about the location of the tattoo or the style, check out a complete guide to female tattoos.

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