A prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help It is famous for promoting spiritual cleansing and attracting blessings, protection and graces. It is a representation of the Virgin Mary, originating from a Byzantine painting, dating from the 13th century, and celebrated on June 27th.
How do I make a request to Our Lady of Perpetual Help?
Perform the ritual in a quiet place where you will not be interrupted. You can light a candle and/or incense to expand the connection. Sit comfortably and try to relax your body and mind by taking deep breaths. Read the prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help and, at the time indicated by the text, make your request with faith, adding that you would like it to be carried out if it really is for your good. Thank you at the end.
“O Lady of Perpetual Help, show us that you are truly our mother, obtaining for me the following benefit:
(Make your wish)
And the grace to use it for the glory of God and the salvation of my soul.
O glorious Saint Alphonsus, who, through Your trust in the Blessed Virgin, obtained so many favors and so perfectly proved in Your admirable writings that all graces come to us from God through the intercession of Mary.
Reach out to me the most tender trust towards our mother of Perpetual Help and pray to her, earnestly, to grant me the favor that I demand from her power and maternal kindness.
Eternal Father, in the name of Jesus and through the intercession of our Mother of Perpetual Help and Saint Alphonsus, I ask You to attend to me for Your glory and the good of my soul.”
Source: Father Reginaldo Manzotti
Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
“Virgin of Perpetual Help, Holy Mother of the Redeemer, help your people who long to be resurrected. Give everyone the joy of walking in conscious and active solidarity with the poorest, proclaiming in a new and courageous way the Gospel of your Son, the foundation and summit of all human coexistence that aspires to true, just and lasting peace.
Like the Baby Jesus we admire in this venerable Icon, we too want to shake your hand. You lack neither the power nor the kindness to help us in every need and in every request. Now is your time! Come, therefore, to our aid and be refuge and hope for all. Amen.”
Source: Pope John Paul II
Supplication to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
“Hail Mother of Perpetual Help, I come to greet you on this day, asking that it be full of light. Today I want to bare my being, placing myself entirely at your feet. I implore your Mother’s gaze on my life and that of my family! Ask you to protect us from all danger and evil.
I cry out for you to wrap us with your mantle of love. Making us more united, stronger and persevering in love. Accept, O Mother, the greeting of this son of yours, who loves you very much and fervently asks for your protection. Help us on the paths of life and above all, Mother, lead us to the true path that is your son Jesus. Amen.”
Source: Union of Redemptorists of Brazil
Prayer to Our Lady of Perpetual Help for protection
“O mother of Perpetual Help, we beg you, with all the strength of our hearts, to support each one of us in your maternal lap, in moments of insecurity and suffering.
May your eyes always be attentive so as not to lead us into temptation. May in your silence we learn to quiet our hearts and do the will of the Father.
Intercede with the Father for peace in the world and in our families. Bless all your sick sons and daughters. Enlighten our rulers and representatives, so that they may always be servants of the people of God.
Grant us many holy religious, priestly and missionary vocations, for the greater spread of the kingdom of your son Jesus Christ. Finally, pour Your Blessing of love and mercy into the hearts of your sons and daughters.
Always be our Perpetual Help in life and especially at the time of our death. Amen.”
Source: Catholic Prayer
Consecration to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
“O Mother of Perpetual Help, before Your Kind gaze, I place myself humbly, resorting as a son to Your Maternal kindness. You are my refuge, hope and protection. Respond, O Queen, to the desire I have to possess Eternal Love, the grace of God the Father, Salvation for my soul and for the lives of those for whom I plead.
Always give me the grace to follow Jesus, in virtues and holiness of life. Receive, O Most Holy Queen, my prayers and needs, raising my heart to Your Son, my Lord and Redeemer.
I consecrate to You my eyes so that they may be the lamp of my soul, my ears so that they may always be attentive to the calls of the Gospel, my mouth so that they may always proclaim that You are the light of my life.
I consecrate to You, O Incomparable Mother, my joy and my pain, my mind and my heart, my life and my death in the desire for endless eternity. I consecrate my entire being to you, O Mother of Perpetual Help, carrying my cross and renouncing all evil. Amen!”
Source: Sanctuary of the Eternal Father/GO
Read more: prayer of Our Lady of Aparecida, prayer of Our Lady of the Head It is prayer of Our Lady of Sorrows.