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Is it bad to use contraceptives for a long time? – 5 steps

Many women take contraceptives daily. Although barrier contraceptives, such as condoms, are the most used, there is a significant number of women who choose hormonal contraceptives. Especially when they have a stable partner, they resort to this type, such as the pill, the patch or the vaginal ring. These do not protect against sexually transmitted diseases but they do protect against pregnancy and they also regulate the menstrual cycle. It has been heard many times that use contraceptives for a long time it is bad, but is it true? what risk exists? In this oneHowTo article we clear your doubts and explain if using contraceptives for a long time is bad or not.

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Steps to follow:

The first thing you have to know is that the contraceptives Hormonal hormones have side effects. But from the beginning, when you start taking them, they already become visible, not over time. Although they do not manifest themselves in all cases, taking contraceptives can cause fluid retention, increased hair, headaches, dysmenorrhea or other bleeding disorders. Like any other medication, it has contraindications that you should know before starting to use them. But this does not mean that it always happens, in fact, a very low percentage of women have suffered some type of serious alterations associated with the use of contraceptives. What should be taken into account is that, precisely because of the risks that exist, contraceptives must always take under the supervision of a doctorand not decide for ourselves to start using them.


Also they contraceptives They have beneficial effects, such as the prevention of vaginal infection, a decrease in cysts in the ovary and breasts, less abundant and painful menstruations or a lower incidence of ovarian and/or endometrial cancer, among others. In addition, contraceptives are not only used to prevent pregnancy, but also have other treatments such as hypothalamic amenorrhea, acne, endometriosis, cyst treatment, etc., so if the contraceptive use It is prescribed by a doctor, it is for a reason and there does not have to be any problem.


But take contraceptivesin a controlled manner, during a long time is not bad. There is no study that shows that fertility is reduced, as the myth claims. However, there are many cases of women who become pregnant in the month after stopping the contraceptive method.


Taking contraceptives for a long time is not bad for the body either. In fact, it prevents some diseases and regulates your cycles. What is recommended is that once you have been taking some type of hormonal contraceptive for 10 years in a row, stop a few months of rest to the body (three or four) and use the same method again or change.


Ultimately, the methods contraceptives Hormonal hormones have their pros and cons and also depend on each woman. The best is that go to your gynecologist and try the one that best suits you and the one that doesn’t bother you. Don’t worry about time, get regular medical check-ups and forget about false myths.

If you want to read more articles similar to Is it bad to use contraceptives for a long time?we recommend that you enter our Sentimental Relationships category.


Always, for patient safety, any medication must be prescribed and supervised by a medical professional.

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