Couples with different points of view overcome the inconveniences more easily, so here’s how this type of couple keeps their relationship stronger:
1- A rational person considers data, while an emotional person considers feelings.
When starting a relationship, a rational person takes into account real data: social status, financial opportunities, their free time and whether they really need to be in a relationship at that particular moment.
An emotional person, on the other hand, is carried away by feelings. Even when all objective data and facts go against the relationship, if the person is in love, he will do anything to achieve happiness. In addition, in general, emotional people are those who take the first step towards getting closer to the person they are interested in.
2- A rational person knows that there is a problem when there are external signs of it; the emotional just feels that there is a problem.
A rational person realizes that something is wrong in the relationship when he has some irrefutable evidence, such as a partner flirting with someone else or a text message found on the phone, sent by a stranger who sends ‘a kiss’.
An emotional person notices changes in intonations or facial expressions. He simply senses that everything is wrong, without needing proof. The emotional person is the first to call attention to the emergence of a crisis in the relationship.
3- A rational person realizes what is wrong; an emotional one perceives the good.
All couples go through difficult times from time to time. But if both of you only see the bad side, you can consider the relationship lost. When the rational person surrenders and only sees the bad side, the emotional person turns the ‘on’ button and starts looking for the good side, those reasons why the two should stay together.
The odds of a couple of this type being able to maintain a relationship are greater. When there is still no strong conflict, the emotional person does everything to preserve the relationship.
4- For a rational person, conflicts are part of any relationship; for an emotional one, they are a real catastrophe.
A rational person accepts that conflicts are problems that need a solution. And for an emotional person, a conflict is a catastrophe. She will suffer and feel very insecure until harmony is established.
The rational person solves problems, and the emotional person runs away from them most of the time. Therefore, if there are greater difficulties, it is the rational person who can do more to move the relationship forward.
5- A rational person solves problems, while an emotional person waits for problems to be solved.
If a rational person is aware that there is a problem, he starts giving his partner flowers, prepares a surprise dinner or doles out praise.
6- A rational person wants to feel responsibility; an emotional just wants to be loved.
A rational person agrees to have responsibilities, feels comfortable having control in his hands. She is disoriented to see that she is not the guardian of the relationship.
An emotional person receives the affection and care and is frustrated when they don’t receive the attention and love they so desperately need.
7- A rational person wants to understand why things happen; an emotional one wants to understand why that happens to her.
In a conflict, a rational person wants to know precisely what happened, looks for a detailed and complete answer to know why the relationship is not going the right way.
An emotional person will look for faults in themselves to find out what they did wrong to be rejected by their partner. You are more concerned with determining your guilt. When there is a risk of emotional breakdown, a rational person will try to establish a dialogue to resolve the problem, while an emotional person will prefer introspection.
8- A rational person seeks the truth; an emotional one is willing to ignore the truth if need be.
A rational person is not only honest with others, but also with himself. An emotional person doesn’t always want to know the truth. Sometimes she prefers a ‘good’ lie. And to preserve the relationship, she is willing to lie.
Sometimes you just have to survive the hard times, and a couple made up of different people can achieve this goal more easily.
Via Strazzera