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I’m here for you


Hey, it’s not just in the good times, no, see?

Do not forget me When you need it most. Don’t forget me when you feel that a company would suit you. Don’t forget that even in the worst stages I will also hold your hand to support you.

I will always be by your side.

Whether it’s that moment when your heart is tight and it seems like the pain won’t fit in your chest or even when you don’t have anything else to say – because you can’t know which is the right direction that needs to be taken stuff. In all these hours I’ll be very close, remember that to know that, yes, you have someone.

Not every ball we throw will result in a new point in the basket. We know that.

When you are no longer sure of your next steps and opt for silence, that’s fine. I will share in our joint lull, even if everything else is a tremendous mess, with a deafening noise.

Even the second you choose solitude, to seek strength within yourself, I will also understand your decision. From afar, I will continue to vibrate so that everything works out. Up close, I’ll support you doing my best to do this really happen.


Understand, support doesn’t choose specific times to emerge.

It just happens, unintentionally, with ease. and on any occasion. Part of me is the concern, my affection, the desire to see you well, in short, because of the enormous bond that unites us.

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Since I agreed to embark on our adventure, I already knew that some dark days would come. The sun can always try to shine, but at certain times of the month, even the clouds, so fragile, will be able to cover it almost completely. If I said I was by your side, I meant it.

Do not forget. Don’t let everything dominate you.

If sadness knocks on the door three times and you let it in, I’ll help open the window. At one time or another she leaves, we are sure, right?

And if it helps you in any way, just remember that I I am here for youOK?

After fifteen


Her kiss is almost a trap


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