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How to tame hair swirls? – GOOD SHAPE

Hair swirls can be a major cosmetic nuisance. They happen during embryonic development, when the scalp forms a spiral, and can appear in different parts of the head, generating unwanted volume and unruly hair.

They usually appear at the back of the scalp, called the crown, but this is not a rule. It can also be located on the sides and forehead, facing right or left.

“Although some people believe that they can be related to baldness, it is worth remembering that this blame should not be attributed to the eddies. It is normal for swirls to have a lower hair density, between 20 and 30%, leaving the scalp area more exposed. This causes people to mistakenly relate it to a failure in hair growth,” he says. Meire Gonzagadermatologist.

How to deal with swirls

Since swirls are unavoidable, the best way to live with them is to learn how to disguise the rebelliousness they bring. Second a trichologist and faculty member of the Brazilian Academy of Tricology (ABT), Viviane Coutinhothe use of brushes and flat irons help to reduce the unwanted volume of the threads (remembering to avoid excessive heat in them) “Choose to dry the strands with a thick, round brush in order to tame them. The tip is also to dry your hair right after the shower”.

Fixing products they are also a great option when it comes to hair swirls. “Gels and pomades can be applied to the strands, taking them in the desired direction of styling. Some gels are thermoactivated, and need a dryer for better modeling” indicates Meire. “With regard to ointments, the ideal is to apply them to dry hair in small amounts”. Regardless of the choice, it is important to remove them properly, avoiding accumulation on the scalp.

“Each person has a type of swirl, it can appear on the fringe, on the back of the neck or even behind the ears, so to tame them through the cut, there is no pattern, each type of cut can work in different ways”. Explains Viviane Coutinho. “The essential thing is to keep the strands long and avoid short cuts; because this way, the hair gets heavier and the swirl tends to decrease. Pay attention also to the natural fall of the wires”.

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