Intestinal gases can cause from slight discomfort to more intense pain. In fact, when gases cause us pain, sometimes it is so intense that it is difficult to even realize what the problem is. These painful gas cramps, whether milder or more intense, usually have their origin in excess gas caused by bad habits at the table or an imbalance in the diet.
correct the causes, improve diet and even make a slightly more restrictive diet temporarily They can help, along with other measures, to prevent and relieve gas naturally.
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Why do I have so much gas?
The production of gases in the intestine is habitual and normal, since it is the result of intestinal fermentation and putrefaction: fermentations occur when consuming foods of plant origin and putrefactions when consuming foods of animal origin.
Its excess in the intestines and stomach may be due to some bad habits at the table and other factors for example:
Chewing little, due to going quickly or due to missing teeth. Talking and swallowing air while eating. Consumption of candies or chewing gum. Drinking a large amount of liquid, especially carbonated drinks, with or immediately after food. Alterations in the intestinal flora. due to an inadequate diet. Consumption of flatulent foods.
Gas pain: is it normal?
The pain is due to distension of the nerves of the digestive mucosa by the retained gases, which in most cases are the consequence of chronic constipation.
A very long large intestine (dolichocolon) or wide/dilated (megacolon) facilitates the accumulation of gases and intestinal colic.
Although it is true that an unbalanced diet, and consequently an altered microbiota, can cause intestinal inflammation, this is not usually, by itself, the usual cause of gas. But sometimes the severe and persistent pain associated with intestinal gas may be due to a diverticulitis or chronic inflammatory bowel disease such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. In this situation, it is recommended to see a professional to make the differential diagnosis.
How to relieve gas and pain
Logically, when we suffer from gases, the first thing is to see if any of the above situations occur in our case and correct the cause. At the same time these measures can be taken:
It is essential to avoid constipation. One has to hydrate well drinking fluids outside of meals, as this will also help with constipation if present. carminative infusions with fennel, cumin, green or star anise, along with chamomile, a plant with anti-inflammatory and digestive properties par excellence, are ideal in these cases. Those prepared with these plants, accompanied with activated charcoal and probioticsThey are also very useful. It is convenient to check if we are consuming a lot of flatulent foods and reduce their consumption. Also introduce foods that help eliminate gases. may be suitable temporarily follow a stricter antiflatulent diet until symptoms improve.To relieve pain quicklyWhen it is intense, two hot wet compresses (one every 15 minutes) can be applied to the abdomen followed by a cold one (also for 15 minutes).
Gas diet
In the event of repeated episodes of gas, it is initially recommended to follow a balanced diet that reduces flatulent foods and that incorporates probiotic foods and fruits rich in digestive ferments:
Flatulent foods: legumes, cabbage, cauliflower, artichokes; raw onions, peppers and cucumbers; sugars and refined products. Can reduce or eliminate your consumption temporarilyuntil symptoms improve.Beneficial foods to avoid gases: probiotic foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, water kefir, or miso; fruits and vegetables rich in digestive enzymes such as pineapple and papaya; and seaweed such as cochayuyo, which contains prebiotic soluble fiber and glutamic acid that repairs the digestive mucosa.
In order for the diet to be, in addition, anti-inflammatory, it is convenient temporarily removing dairy and gluten.
This diet must be maintained until the symptoms disappearand then introduce legumes, removed vegetables and unmodified gluten in moderation, that is, the one coming from cereals that are less hybridized than common wheat, such as spelt or kamut.
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