Men are hard to read, especially at the beginning of a relationship.
Society has taught them to hide their feelings.
This for us is a disadvantage. Especially when we want to know where we are with that guy we are meeting.
The relationship could turn into something more, or it could be purely physical.
How can you tell the difference?
Do you want more than sex? Does he love me or does he just want me?
There are many questions you can ask yourself…
For this we leave you a list of 9 signs to know if you want more than just sex and 5 signs that you are not looking for anything more than that.
9 Signs He’s Starting To Have Feelings For You
1) He is available to you
A boy who is only interested in having sex will not be there for you when you need him.
For example, if you call him, he always answers you.
He also often texts you to ask about your day.
He even wants to know if he can help you in any way, when you have something to solve.
This clearly shows you that he is having a greater commitment to you
You are taking on greater importance in his life and that is why when you need him, he will be close.
2) Find excuses to spend time with you
Does he want to be with you, even if it’s not for sex?
This could mean that he doesn’t just want you, he’s starting to fall for you.
So pay attention to these excuses, to reciprocate, if you like it too.
Maybe he left something of his in your apartment and wants to meet to get it back and take the opportunity to have coffee together.
Or maybe he is “passing through where you live” and invites you to eat something.
Or you simply need a companion for your friend’s wedding and take the opportunity to invite you.
These are all great excuses for him to spend time with you, time not just for sex.
If your guy comes up with these kinds of excuses to see you out of the room, it’s because he wants more than just sex. Perhaps he is looking to take your relationship a step further.
3) He calls you beautiful
Of course, you know that you are beautiful, there is no denying that fact.
But when a guy calls you beautiful, it usually denotes more than physical interest.
There is something in your gestures and how enthusiastic you feel, when you talk about what matters to you, that reaches him deeply.
When a guy is only sexually interested in you, there are many words he can use to talk about how attractive you are to him. But beautiful is sure to be at the bottom of the list.
4) He is usually the first to text you
This sign counts, if it talks to you about something other than going to bed with you.
Additionally, if he texts you first, he is thinking about you all the time, looking for an excuse to text you.
He asks how you are and how your day was.
He’ll also ask about your interests, share his own, and chat about, well, anything.
This is a great sign that he not only wants you, but also loves you.
He wants a relationship with you and he’s not just playing to get you into the bedroom anymore.
5) He introduces you to his friends
In general, a friends with benefits or strictly sexual relationship involves no more than the two people who benefit from it.
It may happen that they happen to run into a friend when they go out to buy drinks or something to eat.
You could also run into their roommates when they go out and you go in.
However, if he introduces you to his friends in a polished way, he might be looking for more than just sex.
It could be that he is really interested in getting to know you better and incorporating you into more areas of his life.
He is no longer interested only in sexuality.
If that’s the case, it’s also important to know what you want. If you want something more than a physical relationship, you have a green light to pursue those desires.
6) You are receiving mixed signals
One of the most telltale signs that a guy is having feelings for you is when you start getting mixed messages.
It doesn’t make any sense, but that’s how guys work sometimes.
When they start to fall for a girl, they often get scared. Maybe they deny it, feel insecure about their feelings, or don’t know how to express them.
The way it manifests could go from one extreme to another. One moment he really flirts with you, becomes close and interested in you, and the minute he seems distant and disconnected.
You may be wondering if he is testing you by pulling away so suddenly.
Either way, this is a sign that he’s getting a little more involved with you.
It’s not just about sex anymore. It may be that he wants something more, but he doesn’t want to ruin the good thing he has.
Or it may be that you’re not sure if you want more or don’t want to be turned down.
All this except if it completely disappears for a long time, in which case you better be on your way.
You don’t want to get involved with a man who doesn’t take you into account enough to at least communicate the reasons for his departure.
7) Eye contact, holding hands, kissing during sex
Sex, by nature, is a very intimate thing. However, when it comes to a purely physical relationship, some gestures may be less present.
The opposite is true in a fully committed relationship.
For example, things like holding hands, looking into each other’s eyes, or kissing, may not happen.
Every relationship is, of course, different. Like the sexual preferences of each person.
The big point here is to notice a change in the expressions of intimacy. If you have noticed that the way he expresses himself, while having sex, changes, it could indicate that he is starting to love you.
If he can’t express his affection for you in words, he will do so in other ways.
He will look you directly in the eyes, while you have sex.
He will take you by the hand at the least expected moment and kiss you.
These are the quintessential expressions of intimacy.
Some guys don’t feel comfortable doing them unless they have developed feelings for a girl.
8) He always supports you
We all know that, in a purely sexual relationship, there is usually no deep or extensive dialogue. Particularly about things that are really important.
But you are noticing that he is more interested in you than usual.
This could be a sign that he really loves you and not just wants you.
For example, he shows you support in certain ways that you wouldn’t expect from someone you only have sex with.
He is happy that you have been successful at work or in your personal life.
On the other hand, he expresses frustration with you when you tell him that things have gone wrong or you have fought with a friend.
This type of behavior goes beyond the physical. They’re a big indication that he doesn’t just want to quench his sexual desire with you.
9) Keep giving hints
You can tell that he wants something more than just sex, because he’s been hinting at it.
He might make off-the-cuff comments about “going out” with you for a walk or the fact that you are “a couple”.
These little jokes are his way of hinting at the fact that he doesn’t just want you. He loves you.
Remember, it is important to know what you want in these cases.
If he’s starting to have feelings and you’re not ready, it’s best to be clear from the start.
Or, the opposite may happen. You are the one who is starting to have feelings for him and you are not sure if he is in the same place.
In that case, it’s important to watch out for signs that he just wants you. Especially if you’re thinking of telling him.
With this in mind, we will mention 5 signs that he just wants to have a good time with you in bed.
5 signs that he only wants you
1) Just call or text to sleep with you
It is important to take into account the nature of the communication you have with him.
What does he text you about and when?
If the only times he talks to you is to invite you over to his house, chances are he really just wants sex.
Does he reply to your texts about anything else?
Perhaps you have asked him how his day was. Maybe you wanted to know if he was interested in going out with you for a drink.
If he hasn’t responded, chances are he’s not interested in anything other than having sex with you.
Does that make it superficial?
Not necessarily. Especially if the relationship was based on a purely physical connection from the start.
The question is more about whether this is what you really want.
If you want more from the relationship and he doesn’t, it’s important to be clear. This way, neither of you will waste time.
2) You are not anywhere on their social networks
Sometimes guys can be deceptively vague about the nature of their relationship.
This can be frustrating and even demoralizing.
Clarity about the nature of a relationship is vital to its continuity.
So if the guy you’ve been dating isn’t clear about it, that’s already a warning sign.
It could point to the fact that he only wants you in his bed and nothing else.
Also, if you’re not anywhere on his social media, it’s a big sign that he only wants sex with you.
One of my exes never had me anywhere on his social media.
Later it became clear, that it was because I didn’t want our relationship to be more than just physical.
3) He doesn’t like to hug you
In my opinion most people like hugs. But it is true that some people do not.
Generally, most people in committed relationships enjoy hugging and cuddling.
Whether they are holding hands, leaning on one shoulder, or holding each other fully, there is some physical behavior involved that is not specifically sexual.
If he’s in the habit of refusing hugs, holding hands, or any kind of contact beyond sex, it means he’s not really interested in anything else.
If that’s what you want, great!
However, if you are looking for more, it might be time to step aside to find someone who is interested in a more serious relationship.
4) He doesn’t like to stay after having sex with you
Someone who doesn’t like to stay after having sex is someone who is really only interested in sex.
They are not interested in sleeping over, sharing a bed, or sharing any kind of intimacy.
They like to sleep alone, but they have a physical need that they have to satisfy.
In short, if they don’t want to stay, or invite you to leave when it’s all over, this man doesn’t love you. He just wants you.
5) Your satisfaction is not that important
Having sex is something that involves effort and connection on the part of both people.
Mutual understanding and shared intimacy are needed.
However, if a guy is really only interested in you for sex, he may show little or no interest in satisfying you.
You will only worry about reaching your goal.
If he is interested in your satisfaction, it is at a level…
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