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How does a man in love with a married woman act?

Nothing better than the joy of falling madly in love with someone. However, there may be some exceptions, such as when the other person is already married.

So how do you know if a man has fallen in love with a married woman like you?

We leave you these 15 signs so you can be attentive.

15 signs that a man is falling in love with a married woman

1) He can’t help but look at you

When a man likes you, he will look at you in a different way. You will notice that he stares at you, from top to bottom or directly into the eyes, your mouth or cleavage. He may also be watching you when you walk to leave, or when you arrive at the place where he is.

You may also notice some physical and behavioral changes, which stand out from a regular look. Among them you can find:

Dilated pupils. These become so large that their eyes stand out. A look that lasts longer. It’s his unconscious way of trying to connect with you. He looks away, every time you start watching him. Of course, he feels uncomfortable, because you caught him looking at you!

Although he can be very discreet, you will still feel that he is watching you. Women have a very fine-tuned sense for it. You don’t need to look at it, to know that it is looking at us.

It’s what psychologists call gaze detection, where you become sensitive to the fact that someone is looking directly at you.

2) He always smiles at you

When a guy loves you, he automatically becomes happier, when you’re in the same room with him.

You’ll often find out with a smile whenever you’re around. This is one of the most common signs, which you cannot consciously control and gives it away.

This is because when you are attracted to someone, this happiness comes from the substances that the brain produces.

Dopamine and norepinephrine, for example, can make you feel giddy, even euphoric. You may be so happy that you hardly feel the need to eat or sleep.

Even if you don’t see any apparent reason why he’s happy, it’s because he secretly knows in his heart that it’s all because of you.

3) Remember every little thing you say

When a man loves you, he will listen to you with all his attention.

It is a delight for him to hear every word you say.

He is so absorbed in your conversations, that he remembers every little detail you say.

Your first dog, Enzo.

That ex-boyfriend Juan, who cheated on you with your best friend.

Your crazy college trip to a Brazilian beach, in which you had a blast.

They are the things you remember and are part of you and your essence. Perhaps data that other people barely remember.

But this guy is head over heels in love with you and has each and every one of them burned into his mind.

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It may even surprise you. He could remember these little things more than your husband!

He’ll pay a lot of attention, which is one of the most obvious signs that he likes you.

4) Always try to look good in front of you

Anyone who likes you will try to look their best in front of you.

Physical attraction is the first thing people notice in a potential mate and he can make use of this advantage.

Rather than get your attention, he tries to look really good, as a way of appearing “better” than other people. Mainly better than your husband.

After all, some believe that the prettier people are, the more responsible and organized they are. Although this is not always true.

He will try to improve his “attractiveness” by grooming and dressing well, and by smiling more. He can even fix his hair and hands to impress you!

5) He loves to compliment you

He may have several reasons why he has fallen in love with a married woman like you.

It may be due to your beautiful appearance or your unique personality.

He thinks of you as the ideal woman and that is why he cannot stop flattering you.

He may not know it, but there is a chance that you like him too, despite being married, because of his compliments.

After all, appreciation is essential in relationships. Then it can happen that this attracts you to him. Especially if your husband doesn’t compliment you like this guy does.

These comments make you feel good. The reason for this is because praise activates the same parts of the brain as when you receive a monetary award. Go figure!

Who wouldn’t be happy when someone appreciates their hair, clothes, and the perfume they’re wearing?

6) You are his priority above all else

When a man loves you, he will make you his top priority.

Even if he has other things that he needs to do, he will put them aside to be with you.

He will make time for you, even if he barely has time for himself.

He will introduce you to family and friends, which he normally doesn’t do with other dates.

He’ll find a way to check in with you often, even if you just talked an hour ago.

When a guy puts you first, he will give you one of the greatest gifts: his time.

7) He can’t tell you no

When you ask him if he can help you with something or do you a favor, his automatic response will be a “yes”.

He loves you, so he wants to please you all the time.

He feels that if he tells you no, he will end up disappointing you.

Even if he really shouldn’t, he’ll still say yes. That’s how much you mean to him.

But you must not abuse this privilege. You don’t want to end up using this guy, just because he can’t refuse your requests.

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8) He doesn’t like to see you depressed

When a man loves you, married or not, he will always want to see you happy.

When you frown, it’s as if he himself felt the anguish or frustration.

He doesn’t want you to feel sad or hurt. He just wants your good and see that you achieve everything you set out to do.

If he sees you depressed, he will do anything to make you smile, even if it hurts him.

He will sacrifice his time, energy and money, basically whatever it takes, to smooth your frown and see you happy.

9) He wants to be your hero

Every man has a biological drive to live a meaningful life.

He longs to be able to provide everything they need to the people around him and ultimately earn their respect.

It’s what author James Bauer describes as the “hero’s instinct.”

In short, when a man loves you, he will try to protect you and treat you as you deserve. After all, it is a way for him to earn your love in return.

However, the hero instinct doesn’t necessarily require you to jump buildings or walk through fire.

A man with a hero’s instinct translates into actions such as:

Offer your help at all times Celebrate your successes, however small they may be Support your passions and interests It makes you happy. Another sign that he has fallen in love with you.

And the most interesting thing is that you have the power to activate this instinct in him. If this is something that interests you I recommend that you watch this great free video in English by James Bauer.

It will introduce you to this radically new concept in relationship psychology.

I’m usually a bit of a disbelief in these new fashion concepts, but I think the hero instinct is different.

Learning about him is the key to winning any man’s love and devotion for life.

Here’s a link to this game-changing video again.

10) He is jealous of your husband

Jealousy involves a whole spectrum of emotions. From fear, to humiliation and overflowing rage.

He is jealous of your husband, because the woman he loves is with him.

And while you may not have the “right” to be jealous, it’s completely normal to be.

As described by Dr. Robin Stern in a CNBC article:

“It’s that ‘I could lose you somehow’ feeling.”

But, too much jealousy is terrible, whether it’s towards you or someone else.

As psychologist Dr. Daniel Freeman says:

“Jealousy breeds suspicion, doubt, and mistrust, which can turn into quite intense emotions and behaviors.”

Furthermore, he adds:

“We may start to worry about the fear of betrayal. We may start constantly checking up on our friend or partner, trying to “catch them in the act.” We might become possessive of that person.”

11) Keep kidding that he likes you

Jokes always have a grain of truth, psychologists say.

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He jokes that he likes you so he can somehow release what he really feels.

In addition to alluding to the fact that he likes you, his attempt at humor can make him feel good.

According to the principles of positive psychology, humor can make you feel better, such as when you get a compliment.

You can even gain some intimacy with the person you love!

But, not all jokes are funny. Especially when it comes to a touchy subject, like falling in love with a married woman like you.

Your partner may find it offensive. So be very careful not to encourage this fact! This can turn against you.

12) He doesn’t say anything every time you ask him about his love life

Without a doubt, he is the most eligible bachelor in the office. He is educated, successful in his career, among many other things.

The only thing missing in life is a romantic partner.

And whenever someone asks him about this, especially you (the woman he likes), he immediately shuts up.

After all, he is hiding a secret, which could be thought of as “wrong.”

Even making fun of him will only deflect the question. He will try to change the subject and take the focus away from his hidden feelings for you.

13) He acts “weird” when you’re around him

When a man likes you, he can’t help but feel uncomfortable when you’re around him. Since you’re married, the weirdness factor is increased even more.

In fact, you could end up doing awkward things like:

Confusing words, which can even hint at something about what he feels, immediately shutting up for it. Talk about your favorite things (even if he doesn’t like them). For example, when he says he loves that cheesy sissy show that you love, even though he’s embarrassed. He rehearses every conversation with you in his mind. He has imagined all the possible scenarios. He has an answer ready for everything you might say to him. He constantly investigates your accounts and posts on your social networks. You can’t help but be tempted to play detective and explore your past. He wants to know everything about you.

14) His body language gives him away

Even if he manages to hide the above signs, his body will surely reveal his feelings for you.

Body language is a non-verbal signal that people use to communicate, often unconsciously. They range from physical expressions and behaviors to subtle gestures.

For example, if a guy likes you, you may notice that he tries to copy your behavior and non-verbal gestures.

When a guy mirrors you, he will tend to:

Face yourself, where your upper body, torso, and toes are facing you Imitate your sitting or standing posture Imitate your same facial expressions Copy your rate and volume of speech Use the same expressions as you

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